Hi All,
I was thinking about the staff Question & Answer threads that are appearing - there are even member threads now. This wouldn't bother me if I didn't get the impression that this is something that will stay and start bugging us all for a long time.
I suggest you guys ditch the threads for now and don't post for the sake of posting (I know forumwhoring is fun but it clogs up the latest threads) because a lot of hardcore MT forum users are having to sieve through threads to find anything vaguely separate from Q&As.
If you really want to talk to staff, there are loads of them on Mumble, and for new guys who don't know what that is - it's a chat client, kinda like teamspeak.
To download it, go to The mumble website and download the client relevant to your system. Once you've done that, add the server: east1.voice.enjin.com:64259
There are staff online 99% of the time - wait for them to creep out of their staff cave. Having said that, don't spam them with "What's your favourite colour?" 'cause I'm sure they won't appreciate that.
Besides, I'd love to see some new faces (voices?) on Mumble. Coffeey and Jallaf become about as boring as socks after months of putting up with them, trust me.
I was thinking about the staff Question & Answer threads that are appearing - there are even member threads now. This wouldn't bother me if I didn't get the impression that this is something that will stay and start bugging us all for a long time.
I suggest you guys ditch the threads for now and don't post for the sake of posting (I know forumwhoring is fun but it clogs up the latest threads) because a lot of hardcore MT forum users are having to sieve through threads to find anything vaguely separate from Q&As.
If you really want to talk to staff, there are loads of them on Mumble, and for new guys who don't know what that is - it's a chat client, kinda like teamspeak.
To download it, go to The mumble website and download the client relevant to your system. Once you've done that, add the server: east1.voice.enjin.com:64259
There are staff online 99% of the time - wait for them to creep out of their staff cave. Having said that, don't spam them with "What's your favourite colour?" 'cause I'm sure they won't appreciate that.
Besides, I'd love to see some new faces (voices?) on Mumble. Coffeey and Jallaf become about as boring as socks after months of putting up with them, trust me.