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[Enjin Archive] MCMMO Balance
Started by [E] Darth Android

I feel you pain danni:D Me and bacon have spent hours leveling our skills to where they are and is nerf is almost to the point where i want a time machine to just go back and get my life back...

Seriously BAD.

BUT atleast your trying to fix it which is nice. how about just going to like 500 for dia?

EDIT: as far as the abilities the % needs a SMALL nerf. not the CD.
Personally, I think the original settings for the plugin are much more appropriate than the current settings, especially the repair skill.

For the skills that can severely affect the economy, however, I do agree that they need to be adjusted.
Edit, just created a little calculator for repairing wooden pickaxes. At the current rate, repairing a near broken wooden pick yields 270xp, costing 3 wooden planks(Which I include to show that it's not exactly free to repair equipment)

I Don't know the level required to start working with stone, or if stone even yields more xp(it's modifier is the same as wood by deafult), but using purely the durability where the number of blocks broken by wooden or stone pickaxes is equal.

From level 1 to level 50, you must repair 276 wooden pickaxes from near broken condition or break 15,728 blocks with either stone or wood. With wooden tools this would cost 828 wooden planks (~13 stacks)

From level 1 to level 100, you must repair 738 wooden pickaxes from near broken condition or break 42,012 blocks with either stone or wood. With wooden tools this would cost 2214 wooden planks (~35 stacks)

From level 1 to level 200, you must repair 2214 wooden pickaxes from near broken condition or break 126,245 blocks with either stone or wood. With wooden tools this would cost 6642 wooden planks (~104 stacks)

I'm hoping by level 200 We'd have the ability to repair iron and therefore get a better xp modifier and quicker mining times.
Things will be tweaked tonight at the nightly server restart (can't update the config while it's running, and not going to bring down the server for something non-critical). Some important points have been made, and there will be (potentially big) adjustments and buffs accordingly, largely to repairing.

Part of the underlying issue is that mcmmo is very limited in terms of configuration. Much of what really needs to be tweaked, can't be touched. I might just do a custom build of it so that it can be tuned appropriately. The issue is what happens when the game breaks? Not like bugs, but fundamental formulas? The formulas don't level out-- they're tuned around a lvl 1000 cap, and I can't change that. People are reaching that within a week at current rates. What happens in a month? Two months? It's very likely that the solution to this issue is level caps instead of unbounded growth with low exp gain. That's part of what this is about, is figuring out what works, both in the short term and the long term. But I don't think that the economy is going to handle the current growth rates for more than about a month or two, and I don't think bimonthly level resets are what anyone wants.

The hope is to get these things worked out now, instead of in a month when things start breaking and a level reset is inevitable. We haven't had time to sit down, pull all of the formulas out of the source code, and run the numbers on when the tree feller ability makes jungle logs absolutely worthless (hint, it's already happened, which is why the cooldowns got increased), or other abilities are simply out of control. Part of the reason the nerf was so hard was to slow down progress until each ability can be mathed out individually and tuned appropriately, until we can figure out which abilities need longer cooldowns, and which don't, until we can figure out which skills need level caps, and which don't have a serious effect on the server and can be left unbounded so that players can actually have fun competing on the leaderboards.
So basically what I'm getting from this thread, and especially Darth's last post, is that this plugin in is just costing a whole lot of time and effort on the part of the devs that could be put into things that matter just so we can get a few perks that really dont add anything to the game. Cool beans.
Fettuccini wrote:
So basically what I'm getting from this thread, and especially Darth's last post, is that this plugin in is just costing a whole lot of time and effort on the part of the devs that could be put into things that matter just so we can get a few perks that really dont add anything to the game. Cool beans.

Yes, and no. Some of the perks add cool things to the game, and it gives players additional diversity in how they can spend their in-game time. Everything takes someone's time, and no, not all of the changes benefit everyone on the server. However, if I feel that investing my time into something will make the server, as a whole, better, then I'll happily do so. We have a very large userbase with a very large array of interests. Some people *really* want mcMMO, and some people *really* hate it. It's big. It adds and changes a lot of things. But if we can find an appropriate middle ground that fits the needs and wants of both camps to an acceptable level, that's the ideal situation.
It would most likely be a good idea to come into mumble with some of the people who have been leveling in order to figure out what needs re-balance and what does not...
As a fairly pro and somewhat casual mcMMO fan I have to say the values are in the toilet at the moment for grind vs reward.

Beyond the current values, I think some transparency is in order. We already have a copy of the help, but it doesn't represent the current values. Hopefully, with the details available and feedback from the user base it should produce some positive data.

From my perspective on repair, I was not going to invest dedicated time to leveling the skill. I was hoping for something along a slow and steady progression. However, that is pretty much unattainable at present levels. People are going to power grind some of these skills. It happens in every game where there is a leveling possibility. I would not recommend wholly tuning against them because it's going to ruin it for the other 95%.

I would also ping the mcMMO devs and see if they accept patch sets. It's probably not worth keeping a Darth patch set around and then adjusting for each new release. Unless you have some fantabulous ideas and time to keep a separate branch working.
For repair, iron at 50, diamond at around 100 to 125. not 2k, doing so will make even people with hours of time to play minetown ( such as me :# ) not want to, some of the skills are easy to level up, no cost ( such as acrobatics, just make your self fall and loose 1/2 hearts and teleport back to the starting spot ) repair WAS one of the more costly to grind, but not anymore, id have to be cryston to have enough iron to grind my self up to the level 2000