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[Enjin Archive] MCMMO Balance
Started by [E] Darth Android

Currently mcMMO is unbalanced in terms of longevity and work/reward ratio. Some people have already managed to make it half-way to maxing out a skilltree in less than 72 hours, and considering the effects that some of the abilities can have on the server in terms of economy, this is going to be a problem, which is something to be avoided now that the market seems to have finally started to settle.

First, since the question has been asked a number of times, resetting levels is a very last resort. Every effort is being made to adjust without erasing the work people have already put into it.

That being said, we are currently adjusting and balancing cooldowns, xp rates, and ability levels in an effort to ensure that the RPG aspects are fun and rewarding, but that players won't just tear through them in a week or two and max everything out, and those that wish to ignore it altogether can do just that. Abilities are liable to appear or disappear as the minimum levels to access them are adjusted. We are fully aware that there are groups both strongly for and against mcmmo, and thank you for being understanding as we find a middle ground between the two.

Note: It has been changed such that you must sneak (hold shift) when attempting to activate an ability. This is to reduce the spam sent to players who are not meaning to activate their abilities when simply right-clicking.

Repair 334 and I can't repair diamond??? What level do I need to be at now?

Honestly the levels and timers IMO need to be left alone. Instead properly adjusting the xp values for blocks would be more beneficial to the community. Tested and you get 20 xp for obsidian and 20 xp for netherrack. How does that make sense? I can break tons of netherrack in the time the it takes me to break 1 obsidian. So you give me the choice between 20 xp or 200xp in the same time (Estimated). Of course I am going to use the netherrack to level faster. Longer breaking or rare items should have a higher value.

Repair is an expensive and time consuming skill to train already. Im 334 and cannot repair diamond yet? All this will do is discourage people from leveling it at all. I don't know what the level was set at yet but required iron/gold armor and tools for that long really sucks. Most players probably wont bother with this one now.

30 minute cooldowns? Really? Went from 5 minutes to 30 minutes??? Again only discourages players from leveling to even achieve the skill in the first place.

At this point I say just remove the plugin. Some don't like it already and others will come to the same decision as it becomes more and more unreasonable. Plugins like this need balance not just to extremely tip the scales in the opposite direction.

I really liked the plugin but with the new changes its not even worth bothering with.
you actually made the plugin ununsable..... Any skill past 500 gets TERRIBLE to level, and 30 min timers doesnt even make sense. Down timers to 10 min MAXIMUM and fix the skill levels because its HORRIBLE.
Keep in mind Darth emphasizing that the setting are still being adjusted. There are already some more tweaks that will be applied at the next server start.

It is worth noting though, even at extreme difficulty, nothing present before the plugin was taken away from you. As much as I identify with being frustrated on having things flipped under you, this is not a gameplay killer. Just temporarily enforces a near-pre-mcmmo state (and we have not had it that long).
2k repair to repair diamond, what's the point of it now? It will take weeks for that.

Repair was a fine skill, it was one of the only balanced ones imo.
ModernDragoness wrote:
Keep in mind Darth emphasizing that the setting are still being adjusted. There are already some more tweaks that will be applied at the next server start.

It is worth noting though, even at extreme difficulty, nothing present before the plugin was taken away from you. As much as I identify with being frustrated on having things flipped under you, this is not a gameplay killer. Just temporarily enforces a near-pre-mcmmo state (and we have not had it that long).

I wasn't saying that it takes away gameplay. Im just saying without proper balance the plugin is worthless. Just seems with these changes we might as well be back to normal. All these changes really achieve is furthering the divide between those who have the skills and those who don't. The casual player is not going to be able to achieve the same results as those like me that have nothing better to do then level for perks.

I am more then willing to help test things or contribute any way that I can. We just need to find that middle balance for this plugin where it wont just be the few that have all the skills. If we can't find that balance then the plugin is kinda a waste. It will only benefit a few and the others will just complain about what they dont have.
Italy08 wrote:
ModernDragoness wrote:
Keep in mind Darth emphasizing that the setting are still being adjusted. There are already some more tweaks that will be applied at the next server start.

It is worth noting though, even at extreme difficulty, nothing present before the plugin was taken away from you. As much as I identify with being frustrated on having things flipped under you, this is not a gameplay killer. Just temporarily enforces a near-pre-mcmmo state (and we have not had it that long).

I wasn't saying that it takes away gameplay. Im just saying without proper balance the plugin is worthless. Just seems with these changes we might as well be back to normal. All these changes really achieve is furthering the divide between those who have the skills and those who don't. The casual player is not going to be able to achieve the same results as those like me that have nothing better to do then level for perks.

I am more then willing to help test things or contribute any way that I can. We just need to find that middle balance for this plugin where it wont just be the few that have all the skills. If we can't find that balance then the plugin is kinda a waste. It will only benefit a few and the others will just complain about what they dont have.

Same could be said if we left it all alone. You said you have nothing better to do than to level up your skills. Here's the thing. Other people don't have the ability to play as often as others. This will also heavily affect the market, dropping value of blocks as well as tools. Get 100% leveling in repair, repair diamond pickaxe... with one diamond... it usually costs 3 diamonds to build one, yes? There you go, a diamond pickaxe then loses 2 diamonds pricing. That's just one example of a 66% decrease in pricing. As to blocks. I recall seeing that at high levels that blocks can drop two of themselves, making a 50% decrease in price. OR keep the prices the same but have more stock. Either way, it allows people to manipulate the economy into their hands. If you change one level tree, you should change all. Honestly, with the repair (from my understanding it doesn't affect enchants) you can keep repairing a silk touch and always have it. That's pretty over powered, if you ask me, but we have that so it is fine. It should be VERY difficult to achieve that, since we have it.
in terms of the skills you know achieve from mmo, i would like to see some stats of what skills your acquire where since youve changed the values
Sequel_Sentry wrote:
2k repair to repair diamond, what's the point of it now? It will take weeks for that.

Repair was a fine skill, it was one of the only balanced ones imo.

Not just weeks to get to, weeks of grinding worthless tools to boot. In minecraft starting out fresh, you can have a diamond pickaxe in under an hour... In any other game where you follow a natural progression of tools as you level up, repairing wooden tools before diamond makes sense. But in this game where wood and stone tools become obsolete after a day of playing it just doesn't fit to have to grind the tools for weeks just to be able to use the skill outside of frustration.

Simply make repairing diamond tools a low level skill, that gives little xp. We have a repair ability built into the game, arguably at a no cost as near broken equipment are hardly foreign, so the tradeoff of paying diamonds for the ability to (maybe) save an enchanted weapon seems fair.
Im never going to be able to get repair up now -_-

Spent 1-2 hours in nether using millions of wooden tools and then going back home to repair only to gain 3 levels. Im at about level 18 and i've heard you cant even repair iron at level 50! I didnt mind not being able to repair diamond and just using iron but having to just use wooden tools to get my repair up depresses me. You get hardly anything exp wise for wooden tools.

Made me an extremely sad bean.