I have read the Wiki, and to tell you the truth, it was hard to understand, i don't know if this is because of it being a compleatly new plugin, or what it was. But i had to have Zio teach me a while back on mumble how to use it.
This post is just a simpler, broken down version of whats on the WIKI. I do not intend to harass, or put a bad view on the wiki, or whoever wrote that section of the wiki, no insulting was intended to be made to let everyone know
The basics with MCTowns!
-What is MCTowns?
MCTowns is a plugin that enables users to select, resize, and pretty much lets you make your own plots for your town. This plugin becomes useful when you are selling plots, and you can set them up how you want, and where you want it. No mods needed for that! you can choose the size, vertically and horizontally, as well as select where you want it in your town.
-How do i get it?
To get MCTowns for your town, you need to go to your town, and write a PE asking for your town to be switched to MCTowns. If you are not sure if your town already is, take some string and click the ground on your town, if it says "<regionName_territ_main" then you already have it, if not then you dont have it.
-Break down of Territories, districts, and plots
setting active commands:
/territory active set <territory name>
/district active set <district name>
/plot active set <plot name>
When using MCTowns, you have Territories, Districts, and plots. The territory is the main region, districts are like side regions inside the territory. you can set up different districts for different things. EXP: you could have a different district inside of the town market area, and another one for housing area. The plots are basically... the plots. But before you can set up plots, you need to set up a district.
-How to set up a district/districts?
Since you have a territory, and can have different districts, the best way to set up a new district in your town would be to set it up as the same size as the territory. This will make it easier as you wont have to switch between districts if you are selling different plots/shop plots in different areas. To set up only one district over your whole MCTowns region, you need to find the name of your territory. TO do so, as we said before, take some string, and it should be "<Your region name_territ_main" (Where it says "your region name" that should be the name of your region, again, to set that up, send in a PE for it.) If you get that region name, do these commands in order:
/rg select region_territ_main
/territory add district <district name>
This will add a district over the whole region, making it easier for you to use only one district as well as one territory.
-Setting up plots
To set up a plot, you first need to make sure your district is set as you want it. Once that is done, you can now set up plots. to do so, you will need a WorldEdit wand, this will allow you to select the size of your plot size. to get a wand, type
ONce you have a wand(Wooden axe) you can now set up a plot, select the two corners of the plot area, now you will have to do expansions on it, for example, if you only wanted someone to be able to build 30 blocks high, and 10 blocks down on there plot, you would type:
//expand 30 up
//expand 10 down
This will allow you to make any plot size you want in your town.
if you want to have the plot from sky limit, to bedrock, you can simply do
//expand vert
Now to add the plot to your town after you make your region selections, you will need to type the following commands:
/district add plot <plot name>
Once that is done, you should have a new plot!
Where that plot is, you should actually have three regions now, they should be:
-Selling plots
Once you have plots set up, you can now sell them, but MCTowns has there own commands that are really confusing to adding players to plots. But not to fear, you can use WorldGuard to add someone to a plot!
To do so, you will need to get the region name of that plot and add a player to it, to do so, do this command:
/rg addmember regionName_plot_plotName PlayerName
That will add them right to the MCTowns plot name. and they will be able to build/destroy only on the plot
-Removing regions
/territory remove district <district name>
/district remove plot <plot name>
-Setting Co-mayor
As far as we know, there is no command avalible to players to set someone as a co-owner, Thank you to Fettuccini he did test a command that seemed like it would make someone a co-mayor, but it removed him as mayor, and set the other target/player as the new mayor. We do advise you NOT to use this command, as it will remove you as mayor completely.
/town setmayor <playername>
Huge thanks for Fettuccini on testing that for us. What we recommend is you send in a PE by doing
/pe new <message>
stating that you want someone as co-mayor, and it should be able to be set up by staff.
If you have any further questions, let me, staff, or anyone who would be glad to help know. Just wanted to simplify things for everyone, easy to use, just trying to explain it in the simplest way <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
MCTowns: Mod Tutorial.(for new mods, or any mods that do not/have not worked with it before!)
setting up a town with MCTowns:
When a player comes to the time they want to switch from worldguard and pe's for plots in there town, to MCTowns, you might want to know how to do it.
First off, one of the best tools to have, would be worldedit cui, What this mod allows you to do is see the region selections you are making, here is a picture for example of the WE cui:

Link to WE CUI:
This will make whatever region you are selecting much easier.
Now for the setting up the town part, first you will need to actually "make" the town, along with the town owner, the command to do so is,
/mct addtown <town name> <mayor name>
(When doing this, the player that will be taking position of mayor MUST be online.)
If you tend to mess something up, you can type,
/mct removetown <town name>
(this has no UNDO command, use this command with cation.)
At this step, you need to make a new region, but before you want to do that, you need to make sure that there is no other regions there, if the player who will be mayor, wants there town to be converted, remove the current town region, and create a new one for the new main territory. (MCTowns ONLY works with cuboids)
(Be sure to do
//expand vert
to get the region from skylimit to bedrock!)
Now that the town is made, and the new region selection has been made, you will need to make a new territory, to do so, type
/town add territory <territory name>
Once that is done, you can now close the PE saying that the town has been made.
The player should now be able to do the commands in the first tutorial above.
(you may need to set that town active for yourself to add the territory, to do so, type
/territory active set <territory name>
photo set up of MCTowns in there format order:

NOTE: I will be looking for writers for the new website i am making, it will be a minetown101 website. please let me know if you are interested in helping. All help would be appreciated. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
ALL MCTowns commands, and what they do!:
/mct info player <player name>
Prints information about the specified player.
/mct info town <town name>
Prints information about the specified town.
/mct addtown <town name> <mayor name>
Creates a new town. The specified mayor is the only inhabitant, and the mayor must be online.
/mct removetown <town name>
Permanently removes the specified town. This command has no undo and no confirmation or warning. Be careful!
/mct list towns (page)
Lists the towns which are present on the server. Page is an optional argument for switching between pages if there are lots of towns.
/mct list invites
Lists all pending town join invites issued for the player who executes the command.
/mct list requests
Lstsists all the town join requests that have been issued by the player who executes the command.
/mct join <town name>
Accepts (if an invitation has already been issued) or requests to be allowed to join the specified town.
/mct refuse <town name> (all)
Refuses the specified town’s join invitation. If “all” is appended, all the pending invitations for the player will be refused at once.
/mct cancel <town name>
Cancels a request that the executing player has issued with “ /mct join”.
/mct confirm
Confirms the purchase of a plot.
/mct convert <town name> <parent region name> <desired district name>
Attempts to convert a given WorldGuard region into a Territory. The given WG region will be made the Territory, a District with the same region as the Territory will be made, and all child plots of the WG region will be transferred to the new District region. Applies all special MCTowns-specific naming conventions.
/mct purge
Attempts to release as much memory that MCTowns is using as is possible. Anything that would be lost on a reload will be lost (will NOT mess up regions or your Towns).
/town add territory <territory name> (-admin)
Adds a new territory to the town. The player must have a WorldEdit selection made. Based on the config, a mayor running this command without the -admin flag may be charged money for the Territory. Running the command with the -admin flag will bypass the economy completely. If mayors are not allowed to add territories, the -admin flag must be used by an admin who is adding a Territory to a town for a mayor.
/town add player <player name>
Issues an invitation to the specified player, inviting them to join the town.
/town add assistant <resident name>
Promotes a resident to an assistant for the town.
/town remove territory <territory name>
Removes the specified territory from the town, as well as all its districts and all plots in those districts.
/town remove assistant <assistant name>
Demotes the specified assistant back to a normal resident.
/town remove player <player name> (r)
Removes the specified player from the town. If the r flag is added to the end, the removal is recursive and will remove the player from all plots, all districts, and all territories in the town.
/town remove invite <player name> (all)
Revokes all issued and pending invitations that have been issued by this town if the “all” flag is added to the end. Otherwise, just removes the invite for the specified player.
/town remove request <player name> (all)
Denies all pending requests to join the town if the “all” flag is used. Otherwise, just denies the specified player’s request.
/town remove self
Removes you from your town.
/town list players
Lists all players in the town.
/town list territories
Lists all territories in the town
/town list requests
Lists all pending join requests for the town
/town list invites
Lists all pending join invites for the town
/town active set <town name>
Sets your active town to the specified town.
/town active reset
Sets your active town to the town you are a member of. Normally, this command only needs to be run under one condition: Your town has been created and the server has not been restarted (or the plugin hasn’t been purged) since the town was made. This command is only here for the off-chance that you manage to somehow displace your active town, and has no permission node associated with it.
/town bank deposit <block name> <amount>
Deposits the indicated amount of the specified block into your town’s block bank.
/town bank deposit hand <amount>
Deposits the indicated amount of whatever is in your hand into your town’s block bank.
/town bank deposit currency <amount>
Deposits the indicated amount of currency into your town’s coffers. Requires the economy be enabled.
/town bank withdraw <block name> <amount>
Withdraws the specified amount of the indicated block from your town’s block bank.
/town bank withdraw currency <amount>
Withdraws the specified amount of currency from your town’s coffers.
/town spawn
Teleports you to your town’s spawn.
/town spawn set
Sets your town spawn to the location you are currently at.
/town spawn <town name>
Teleports you to the spawn of the indicated town.
/town economy buyableplots <true /false>
Sets whether or not plots are for sale in your town.
/town economy economyjoins <true /false>
Sets whether or not a player can join your town by buying a plot (If set to false, will prevent non-residents from buying plots.)
/town motd
Displays your town’s message of the day
/town motd set <new motd>
Sets the new MOTD.
/town pvp friendlyfire <on /off>
Turns friendly fire on or off for your town if the config allows for MCTowns to manage PvP.
/territory add player <player name>
Adds the specified player as a member of the territory. This gives the player unrestricted access to modify blocks through the entire region and all of its children regions.
/territory add district <district name>
Adds a new district to the Territory. You must have a WE selection made.
/territory remove player <player name> (r)
Removes the specified player from the region. If the “r” flag is added, the removal will behave recursively.
/territory remove district <district name>
Removes the specified district from the Territory, as well as all of the district’s children.
/territory list players
Lists all players who are members of the Territory.
/territory list districts
Lists all districts in the territory.
/territory active set <territory name>
Sets your active territory.
/territory flag <flag name> (flag arguments)
Modifies the specified WorldGuard flag for this region. If any arguments are supplied, it will try to alter the existing flag of that name if there is one, or create a new flag if not. If no arguments are supplied, the specified flag will be removed from the region.
/district add player <player name>
Adds the specified player as a member of the district.
/district add plot <plot name>
Adds a new plot to the district. You need to have a WE selection made for this.
/district remove player <player name> (r)
Removes the specified player from the district. If the “r” flag is added, the removal will behave recursively.
/district remove plot <plot name>
Removes the specified plot from the district.
/district list players
Lists all players who are members of the district.
/district list plots
Lists all plots in the district.
/district active set <district name>
Sets your active district.
/district flag <flag name> (flag arguments)
Modifies the specified WorldGuard flag for this region. If any arguments are supplied, it will try to alter the existing flag of that name if there is one, or create a new flag if not. If no arguments are supplied, the specified flag will be removed from the region.
/plot add player <player name>
Adds the player to the plot as its owner.
/plot add guest <player name>
Adds the player to the plot as a guest. This command can be used by the owner of the plot to add friends to it.
/plot remove <player name>
Removes a player from the plot. Regardless of whether the player was a guest or owner, the player gets removed.
/plot list players
Lists all players (guests and owners) who are in the plot.
/plot active set <plot name> (q)
Sets your active plot. If the “q” flag is added, it performs a quick-select, which only requires your active Town be set. It will figure out and set your active Territory, District and Plot such that your active plot will be the specified plot, and the district and territory will be the parents of the plot.
/plot flag <flag name> (flag arguments)
Modifies the specified WorldGuard flag for this region. If any arguments are supplied, it will try to alter the existing flag of that name if there is one, or create a new flag if not. If no arguments are supplied, the specified flag will be removed from the region.
/plot economy setprice <amount>
Sets the price of the plot to <amount>
/plot economy forsale <true /false>
Puts the plot up for sale, or takes it down.
/plot sign build
Erects the “for sale” sign for the plot. If the sign is already up, then it simply updates it.
/plot sign demolish
Demolishes the “for sale” sign for the plot.
/plot sign setpos
Sets the position of the plot’s “for sale” sign to the location that you are looking at. Only works for blocks on the floor with at least one clear block above them.
This post is just a simpler, broken down version of whats on the WIKI. I do not intend to harass, or put a bad view on the wiki, or whoever wrote that section of the wiki, no insulting was intended to be made to let everyone know
The basics with MCTowns!
-What is MCTowns?
MCTowns is a plugin that enables users to select, resize, and pretty much lets you make your own plots for your town. This plugin becomes useful when you are selling plots, and you can set them up how you want, and where you want it. No mods needed for that! you can choose the size, vertically and horizontally, as well as select where you want it in your town.
-How do i get it?
To get MCTowns for your town, you need to go to your town, and write a PE asking for your town to be switched to MCTowns. If you are not sure if your town already is, take some string and click the ground on your town, if it says "<regionName_territ_main" then you already have it, if not then you dont have it.
-Break down of Territories, districts, and plots
MCTowns plugin page: wrote:
MCTowns uses an "active set" to figure out what exactly you're working on. So, you need to specify what you're working with before you can work with it. As a general rule, you'll need to set your active town to do anything under the /town command; you'll need to set your active territory to do anything under the /territory command, you'll need to set your active district to do anything under the /district command, and you'll need to set your active plot to do anything under the /plot command.
setting active commands:
/territory active set <territory name>
/district active set <district name>
/plot active set <plot name>
When using MCTowns, you have Territories, Districts, and plots. The territory is the main region, districts are like side regions inside the territory. you can set up different districts for different things. EXP: you could have a different district inside of the town market area, and another one for housing area. The plots are basically... the plots. But before you can set up plots, you need to set up a district.
-How to set up a district/districts?
Since you have a territory, and can have different districts, the best way to set up a new district in your town would be to set it up as the same size as the territory. This will make it easier as you wont have to switch between districts if you are selling different plots/shop plots in different areas. To set up only one district over your whole MCTowns region, you need to find the name of your territory. TO do so, as we said before, take some string, and it should be "<Your region name_territ_main" (Where it says "your region name" that should be the name of your region, again, to set that up, send in a PE for it.) If you get that region name, do these commands in order:
/rg select region_territ_main
/territory add district <district name>
This will add a district over the whole region, making it easier for you to use only one district as well as one territory.
-Setting up plots
To set up a plot, you first need to make sure your district is set as you want it. Once that is done, you can now set up plots. to do so, you will need a WorldEdit wand, this will allow you to select the size of your plot size. to get a wand, type
ONce you have a wand(Wooden axe) you can now set up a plot, select the two corners of the plot area, now you will have to do expansions on it, for example, if you only wanted someone to be able to build 30 blocks high, and 10 blocks down on there plot, you would type:
//expand 30 up
//expand 10 down
This will allow you to make any plot size you want in your town.
if you want to have the plot from sky limit, to bedrock, you can simply do
//expand vert
Now to add the plot to your town after you make your region selections, you will need to type the following commands:
/district add plot <plot name>
Once that is done, you should have a new plot!
Where that plot is, you should actually have three regions now, they should be:
-Selling plots
Once you have plots set up, you can now sell them, but MCTowns has there own commands that are really confusing to adding players to plots. But not to fear, you can use WorldGuard to add someone to a plot!
To do so, you will need to get the region name of that plot and add a player to it, to do so, do this command:
/rg addmember regionName_plot_plotName PlayerName
That will add them right to the MCTowns plot name. and they will be able to build/destroy only on the plot
-Removing regions
/territory remove district <district name>
/district remove plot <plot name>
-Setting Co-mayor
As far as we know, there is no command avalible to players to set someone as a co-owner, Thank you to Fettuccini he did test a command that seemed like it would make someone a co-mayor, but it removed him as mayor, and set the other target/player as the new mayor. We do advise you NOT to use this command, as it will remove you as mayor completely.
/town setmayor <playername>
Huge thanks for Fettuccini on testing that for us. What we recommend is you send in a PE by doing
/pe new <message>
stating that you want someone as co-mayor, and it should be able to be set up by staff.
If you have any further questions, let me, staff, or anyone who would be glad to help know. Just wanted to simplify things for everyone, easy to use, just trying to explain it in the simplest way <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
MCTowns: Mod Tutorial.(for new mods, or any mods that do not/have not worked with it before!)
setting up a town with MCTowns:
When a player comes to the time they want to switch from worldguard and pe's for plots in there town, to MCTowns, you might want to know how to do it.
First off, one of the best tools to have, would be worldedit cui, What this mod allows you to do is see the region selections you are making, here is a picture for example of the WE cui:

Link to WE CUI:
This will make whatever region you are selecting much easier.
Now for the setting up the town part, first you will need to actually "make" the town, along with the town owner, the command to do so is,
/mct addtown <town name> <mayor name>
(When doing this, the player that will be taking position of mayor MUST be online.)
If you tend to mess something up, you can type,
/mct removetown <town name>
(this has no UNDO command, use this command with cation.)
At this step, you need to make a new region, but before you want to do that, you need to make sure that there is no other regions there, if the player who will be mayor, wants there town to be converted, remove the current town region, and create a new one for the new main territory. (MCTowns ONLY works with cuboids)
(Be sure to do
//expand vert
to get the region from skylimit to bedrock!)
Now that the town is made, and the new region selection has been made, you will need to make a new territory, to do so, type
/town add territory <territory name>
Once that is done, you can now close the PE saying that the town has been made.
The player should now be able to do the commands in the first tutorial above.
(you may need to set that town active for yourself to add the territory, to do so, type
/territory active set <territory name>
photo set up of MCTowns in there format order:

NOTE: I will be looking for writers for the new website i am making, it will be a minetown101 website. please let me know if you are interested in helping. All help would be appreciated. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
ALL MCTowns commands, and what they do!:
/mct info player <player name>
Prints information about the specified player.
/mct info town <town name>
Prints information about the specified town.
/mct addtown <town name> <mayor name>
Creates a new town. The specified mayor is the only inhabitant, and the mayor must be online.
/mct removetown <town name>
Permanently removes the specified town. This command has no undo and no confirmation or warning. Be careful!
/mct list towns (page)
Lists the towns which are present on the server. Page is an optional argument for switching between pages if there are lots of towns.
/mct list invites
Lists all pending town join invites issued for the player who executes the command.
/mct list requests
Lstsists all the town join requests that have been issued by the player who executes the command.
/mct join <town name>
Accepts (if an invitation has already been issued) or requests to be allowed to join the specified town.
/mct refuse <town name> (all)
Refuses the specified town’s join invitation. If “all” is appended, all the pending invitations for the player will be refused at once.
/mct cancel <town name>
Cancels a request that the executing player has issued with “ /mct join”.
/mct confirm
Confirms the purchase of a plot.
/mct convert <town name> <parent region name> <desired district name>
Attempts to convert a given WorldGuard region into a Territory. The given WG region will be made the Territory, a District with the same region as the Territory will be made, and all child plots of the WG region will be transferred to the new District region. Applies all special MCTowns-specific naming conventions.
/mct purge
Attempts to release as much memory that MCTowns is using as is possible. Anything that would be lost on a reload will be lost (will NOT mess up regions or your Towns).
/town add territory <territory name> (-admin)
Adds a new territory to the town. The player must have a WorldEdit selection made. Based on the config, a mayor running this command without the -admin flag may be charged money for the Territory. Running the command with the -admin flag will bypass the economy completely. If mayors are not allowed to add territories, the -admin flag must be used by an admin who is adding a Territory to a town for a mayor.
/town add player <player name>
Issues an invitation to the specified player, inviting them to join the town.
/town add assistant <resident name>
Promotes a resident to an assistant for the town.
/town remove territory <territory name>
Removes the specified territory from the town, as well as all its districts and all plots in those districts.
/town remove assistant <assistant name>
Demotes the specified assistant back to a normal resident.
/town remove player <player name> (r)
Removes the specified player from the town. If the r flag is added to the end, the removal is recursive and will remove the player from all plots, all districts, and all territories in the town.
/town remove invite <player name> (all)
Revokes all issued and pending invitations that have been issued by this town if the “all” flag is added to the end. Otherwise, just removes the invite for the specified player.
/town remove request <player name> (all)
Denies all pending requests to join the town if the “all” flag is used. Otherwise, just denies the specified player’s request.
/town remove self
Removes you from your town.
/town list players
Lists all players in the town.
/town list territories
Lists all territories in the town
/town list requests
Lists all pending join requests for the town
/town list invites
Lists all pending join invites for the town
/town active set <town name>
Sets your active town to the specified town.
/town active reset
Sets your active town to the town you are a member of. Normally, this command only needs to be run under one condition: Your town has been created and the server has not been restarted (or the plugin hasn’t been purged) since the town was made. This command is only here for the off-chance that you manage to somehow displace your active town, and has no permission node associated with it.
/town bank deposit <block name> <amount>
Deposits the indicated amount of the specified block into your town’s block bank.
/town bank deposit hand <amount>
Deposits the indicated amount of whatever is in your hand into your town’s block bank.
/town bank deposit currency <amount>
Deposits the indicated amount of currency into your town’s coffers. Requires the economy be enabled.
/town bank withdraw <block name> <amount>
Withdraws the specified amount of the indicated block from your town’s block bank.
/town bank withdraw currency <amount>
Withdraws the specified amount of currency from your town’s coffers.
/town spawn
Teleports you to your town’s spawn.
/town spawn set
Sets your town spawn to the location you are currently at.
/town spawn <town name>
Teleports you to the spawn of the indicated town.
/town economy buyableplots <true /false>
Sets whether or not plots are for sale in your town.
/town economy economyjoins <true /false>
Sets whether or not a player can join your town by buying a plot (If set to false, will prevent non-residents from buying plots.)
/town motd
Displays your town’s message of the day
/town motd set <new motd>
Sets the new MOTD.
/town pvp friendlyfire <on /off>
Turns friendly fire on or off for your town if the config allows for MCTowns to manage PvP.
/territory add player <player name>
Adds the specified player as a member of the territory. This gives the player unrestricted access to modify blocks through the entire region and all of its children regions.
/territory add district <district name>
Adds a new district to the Territory. You must have a WE selection made.
/territory remove player <player name> (r)
Removes the specified player from the region. If the “r” flag is added, the removal will behave recursively.
/territory remove district <district name>
Removes the specified district from the Territory, as well as all of the district’s children.
/territory list players
Lists all players who are members of the Territory.
/territory list districts
Lists all districts in the territory.
/territory active set <territory name>
Sets your active territory.
/territory flag <flag name> (flag arguments)
Modifies the specified WorldGuard flag for this region. If any arguments are supplied, it will try to alter the existing flag of that name if there is one, or create a new flag if not. If no arguments are supplied, the specified flag will be removed from the region.
/district add player <player name>
Adds the specified player as a member of the district.
/district add plot <plot name>
Adds a new plot to the district. You need to have a WE selection made for this.
/district remove player <player name> (r)
Removes the specified player from the district. If the “r” flag is added, the removal will behave recursively.
/district remove plot <plot name>
Removes the specified plot from the district.
/district list players
Lists all players who are members of the district.
/district list plots
Lists all plots in the district.
/district active set <district name>
Sets your active district.
/district flag <flag name> (flag arguments)
Modifies the specified WorldGuard flag for this region. If any arguments are supplied, it will try to alter the existing flag of that name if there is one, or create a new flag if not. If no arguments are supplied, the specified flag will be removed from the region.
/plot add player <player name>
Adds the player to the plot as its owner.
/plot add guest <player name>
Adds the player to the plot as a guest. This command can be used by the owner of the plot to add friends to it.
/plot remove <player name>
Removes a player from the plot. Regardless of whether the player was a guest or owner, the player gets removed.
/plot list players
Lists all players (guests and owners) who are in the plot.
/plot active set <plot name> (q)
Sets your active plot. If the “q” flag is added, it performs a quick-select, which only requires your active Town be set. It will figure out and set your active Territory, District and Plot such that your active plot will be the specified plot, and the district and territory will be the parents of the plot.
/plot flag <flag name> (flag arguments)
Modifies the specified WorldGuard flag for this region. If any arguments are supplied, it will try to alter the existing flag of that name if there is one, or create a new flag if not. If no arguments are supplied, the specified flag will be removed from the region.
/plot economy setprice <amount>
Sets the price of the plot to <amount>
/plot economy forsale <true /false>
Puts the plot up for sale, or takes it down.
/plot sign build
Erects the “for sale” sign for the plot. If the sign is already up, then it simply updates it.
/plot sign demolish
Demolishes the “for sale” sign for the plot.
/plot sign setpos
Sets the position of the plot’s “for sale” sign to the location that you are looking at. Only works for blocks on the floor with at least one clear block above them.