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[Enjin Archive] Squizzled
Started by [E] Squizzled


Username: Squizzled

When you were banned : (Date) 2/15/16

Person who banned you: Bumpy

Reason you were banned: Repeated talking back after multiple warnings, staff disrespect. But I was talking with /tell.

Before I start, I'm going to present the evidence for the reason you were originally placed in webjail:

: Squizzled: Ugh im so pissed

: Squizzled: I died and I think its been 5 minutes

: Squizzled: I had literally all of my important things in that pile

: SinisterBacon: that happens to everyone Squizzled

: Squizzled: and I had a high level too

: Squizzled: Hush bacon

: SinisterBacon: i died once and lost 85 lvls

: Squizzled: you get everything you want on a silver platter

: Squizzled: Dont even start with me

: SinisterBacon: i even did /ci and lost a full set of maxed diamond tools

: SinisterBacon: no i dont Squizzled

: Squizzled: yes you do bacon

: SinisterBacon: i worked for everything i have

: Squizzled: Staff get anything they want

: -> Squizzled: getting sassy?

: SinisterBacon: that is incorrect Squizzled

: : drama llama

: Squizzled issued server command: /tell I they do! I've been staff before

: Squizzled -> : they do! I've been staff before

: SinisterBacon: and we will drop this subject now

: Squizzled: Because you know I'm right

: SinisterBacon: i said we will drop it

: SinisterBacon: last warning before a mute

: Squizzled: And I said "Because you know I'm right"

: -> Squizzled: chill

: : squiz u might wanna shut it for your own safety

: Squizzled: He's only telling me to drop it because he doesnt want to admit to it

: SinisterBacon: thats it

: BaconVonDoom issued server command: /warp webjail

: BaconVonDoom issued server command: /tphere Squizzled

And the ban, after webjail:

: Squizzled: Oh my actual

: Squizzled: and what the hell was that supposed to do

: Bumpy: Watch it

: Squizzled: that was horrible oml

: Squizzled: I did not deserve that

: Bumpy: Do not try to argue

: Squizzled: Im not arguing im stating facts

: Squizzled -> : I'm pissed

: Bumpy: What you have done over the last two days has entirely brought you to deserve that

: Squizzled -> : Biumpy is such a penis sometimes like he banned izzy, he doesnt listen

: BumpyBob0007 issued server command: /ban Squizzled Staff disrespect, appeal at minetown.net

Now that the precedence is set:

First off, let me tell you this for a fact: Staff do not always get what they want. Our staff members play on the server as any other player. As a thanks for helping the server, devoting their time to help our players, we give them the benefits that our $300 donators get. But to infer that our staff members get whatever they want is downright stupid.

I'm going to ask you a few questions. Keep in mind that your reactions here will most definitely weigh in on your sentence.

1: Why did you explode in the first place? Bacon was only explaining that every other player on this server, including himself, has had to deal with that issue.

2: Why would you think that insulting a staff member like that can go unpunished?

3: Why would you continue to insult the staff who dedicate their time to help you?
1. Because I was super happy I had just gotten the armor I've been wanting forever, I had everything I needed, and I died for the stupidest reason. I wasn't super angry or anything because it's just a game but for a minute or two I was kind of upset. It felt like Bacon was just trying to tell me not to complain, or trying to get me to shut up. It seemed like he was being rude at the time.

2. I think I deserved to go to webjail, but being banned I don't think was fair. I was talking to my friend in /tell, I wasn't publicly shaming Bumpy or saying anything in global chat. I was upset and wanted to talk to someone about it, and I got banned for it. I just wanted to vent and Ii purposely told that person because she's somebody I know irl, and I can always vent to her. But I got banned.

3. Half of the time when I ask for help they push me away or just direct me to a useless link or warp. They seem kind of annoyed with me so I don't even like to ask for their help anymore. Maybe if someone would just stop shoving links down my throat and just listen for 5 minutes things would be different.
1: We understand that people get mad, everyone does it, but the problem here was how the problem escalated. Bacon took the necessary steps and followed the correct protocol for handling the situation.

2: When you're playing on our servers, anything you say in-game is subject to moderation and rules, including both your use of inappropriate content and shaming of staff members. If you want to vent, do it by other means than our forums or in-game chats.

3: If this is true, contact us about this. There is a Staff Report form available at Minetown.net/staffreport from which the reports get submitted directly to Admins. If you don't do that, contact one of us here on the forums and we'll work with you to help with any issues you have. That being said, many of the links provided are useful depending on the situation at hand.

Regardless, that doesn't warrant the behavior you displayed.

While you do realize that you deserved your webjailing, how you can deny the fact that you deserved to get banned with the logs sitting in the post above you is beyond me.

We don't tolerate staff disrespect by any means, there are ways to handle issues that don't end with shaming the ones who run this server.

Your ban sentence is one month, message a Moderator or higher rank with a link to this thread on March 15th to be unbanned.

Next time you're caught disrespecting a staff member in-game or on our forums, a permaban will be the end result.
