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[Enjin Archive] What's wrong with my mob trap?
Started by [E] Stathve1

Im making an underground mob trap in my basement, but it isn't working.

It is one block wide, and 2 high. There is an area at the end with a few dry blocks, and then the tunnel leads down to water, flowing down to the drowning pit.

My problem is that no mobs are spawning. It is 24 blocks long, so what am i doing wrong?
Can we have some screenys or a warp to have a look

If it is monste has to be dark if it Iain protected area it could have mob spawning off n tha area, could be anything...
if monsters are spawning and dying too rapidly the items they drop will never reach you because if they drop within 4 blocks, they pile together and will keep doing it, and will never come down. By the sounds of it the mob grinder is not large enough to do this
Show me some screenshots or catch me in game. I'll gladly help you
Also make sure that your standing within 16 blocks of your spawner else it wont activate and nothing will spawn.
Nickuru wrote:
Also make sure that your standing within 16 blocks of your spawner else it wont activate and nothing will spawn.

I think he's using a normal mob trap without spawners so he can be within 40 blocks of it
2012-03-19_17.45.24.png is a shot from the outside of the trap. That trapdoor leads to the stream that has the traps. That water is flowing forward, then falling down into the second stream that holds my drops. As you can see, the other side is pretty dark.

2012-03-19_17.46.23.png is the view going into the trap from the outside. No, It isnt open, I only went down here so you guys can see. The trapdoor open allows water to flow only one way. Then theres the dry strip farther down, where they should spawn.

2012-03-19_17.46.49.png is a view a mob would have going down to try and get me. Of course, that torch wouldnt be there. That was so I could see.

So, what could be wrong? Ive tried making the dry strip wider and it still didnt work. And it is a long tunnel, and very deep cave that i built this in. I dug way down under my basement. So, what should I do? I need a mob trap, because of the low amount of items I get from mobs outside at night (which you can see in one of the screen shots.) I also know that the trap wont kill them. I will. When the spawning works, i will add a death part. Please help, im new to mob traps.

Thanks, Stathve1

You want to make the whole thing wet, all of it water they can still spawn

Then make the WIDTH of it larger rather that one that should work
I made it 2 blocks wide and filled it with water, and its pretty much the same but doubled in width, but it still doesnt seem to work.
Stathve, from what I can see in your screenshots, you essentially have a long tunnel, with water channels. I presume you want mobs to spawn in the “dry strip”, and then be pushed by the current to your position. Unfortunately, your idea might not work so well.

After the 1.8 patch, monster movement was changed. They still spawn between 24 and 128 blocks of you, but mobs further than 16 blocks from a player will not move as much (if at all). What this means is, unless you repeatedly walk back and forth from the spawning area/dry strip to your “collection point”, mobs will stand still at the spawning pad you constructed. They will NOT go into the water to be pushed towards you. (Download an old map of a mob tower and you can see what I mean.)

Another problem is, since the 1.2.3 update, Minetown has been lagging a LOT. This is most likely the result of faulty/unstable plugins that are still in development, the update itself, and/or DDoS attacks. The lag has caused monster spawning and movement to decrease. Mob spawners ordinarily take an average of 25 seconds to spawn a mob. However, these past few days, it takes an average of about 2-4 minutes for a mob to spawn. Without a spawner, it would take even longer for mobs to spawn in your trap.

The final factor that could be affecting your trap is its environment. Since you are deep underground, there can be many cave systems around your mob trap. This can greatly reduce the number of mob spawns, making the chance of a mob spawning inside your trap almost impossible.

Fortunately, there are several alternatives you can choose from. The simplest one is to purchase a spawner, and hook it up to a grinder. You do not need to do anything, and you get free drops. The other option is for you to build a newer version of a mob trap. There are several designs online that work quite well. (Search up “The Orb” or “The Grid”, and you’ll see what I mean)