I posted in www.minetown.net/forum/newthread/277425/m/672632
I was told that I used the wrong format... I posted according to guidelines set by Sawine (Owner's sticky post found at http://www.minetown.net/forum/m/672632/viewthread/390722-ban-appeal-format-read-before-posting)
Here is the format....
When you were banned : (Date)
Person who banned you:
Reason you were banned:
How does this not follow the format?
When you were banned : (Date.)
Jan 17th 2012
Person who banned you:
Reason you were banned:
I at an admin that teleported into my private base with arrows
Please do NOT lock my thread when I am actively attempting to contact people to unban me as it results in me having to open new threads and turns into spamming the ban appeals forum with new threads which no one wants.
I was told that I used the wrong format... I posted according to guidelines set by Sawine (Owner's sticky post found at http://www.minetown.net/forum/m/672632/viewthread/390722-ban-appeal-format-read-before-posting)
Here is the format....
When you were banned : (Date)
Person who banned you:
Reason you were banned:
How does this not follow the format?
When you were banned : (Date.)
Jan 17th 2012
Person who banned you:
Reason you were banned:
I at an admin that teleported into my private base with arrows
Please do NOT lock my thread when I am actively attempting to contact people to unban me as it results in me having to open new threads and turns into spamming the ban appeals forum with new threads which no one wants.