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[Enjin Archive] I have returned, what has changed?
Started by [E] Arz0n [1]

I understand where Jared is coming from, but there were people who were actively fighting for minetown to be something great. I don't want to hear that "no one wants to do anything" its "no one with the power to do anything wants to do anything."

Again, no offense meant, but you haven't been 'active per say in six months'...why the hell are you our staff then? We need active and thriving moderators willing to work their rears off in order to get things up and running the way they should be going. Yes, being staff can burn a player out, I've been burnt out while moderating. There is no shame in admitting that you don't want to be staff anymore. There are staff members who have told me they're only staff for the perks of fly...thats not right. You should be staff because you want to make the server a better place, because you have that drive and burning passion to try and bring Minetown back to popularity.

If staff is burnt out, or no longer finds the game attractive there is no shame in saying "Hey guys, I'm gonna take a break", and staff that isn't willing to actively work on the server and get it up and running SHOULD step down so that the management can see where we are, see how many willing staff members there are to put to work and then select others based off what the server needs. Staff shouldn't be a popularity contest. It shouldn't be a case of "Oh, well this guy/gal is my pal so even though they're not really working on the server and are off doing their own thing I'm going to leave them on staff because I like them."

This is where minetown gets shot in the foot consistently. Yes, it is a community, it should be about keeping the community feel but when 9/10ths of the staff is sitting on their thumbs afk, or doing their own thing 99% of the time instead of working on the server we end up where we are now. Nothing is done and everything is gone because no one worked on it.
I feel like you are saying that people are wrong for doing their own thing and having a life. yes the server could be better but if that's what people want to do, let them get on with it. If you are hoping to spend the majority of your life playing Minecraft, good luck.
Belle, I will mark this up to you being young and not understanding exactly where I am coming from. I am not saying people are not entitled to live, everyone should have a healthy life outside of the computer. Minecraft is indeed a game and like all games it has to remain fresh and exciting or players stop playing.

Sure, there are trips down memory lane, there are times where even I break out the Nintendo and relive old games to my hearts content but a server makes money off of the people who come onto it. Staff's "job" is to make sure the server is active, thriving and fun to bring in people...to make more money for the server. Granted, staff do not get paid for their work, they are all volunteers. That being said, if a volunteer is unwilling to do the work needed for upkeep/improvement in any other volunteer position they are asked to step down or simply quit.

For example: An animal shelter. Typically run by volunteers what money they make by adopting out the animals goes right back into the cost of upkeep. If they make profit they upgrade the building, get better blankets/bowls/necessary items for the animals that stay there. A game server typically functions about the same way. They make money off of donations from players, so the more players they attract the more donations. Donations go towards upkeep: Pay for the servers being online, the hardware they are on and the people who maintain said hardware. Granted minetown is part of a larger community of servers that work together as a group to support each other.

I'm not saying people shouldn't do what they want to do, but more like the staff we have now/have had recently have been juggling too many balls in the air, and have let some drop. Now, the issue is the ones that have been dropped are hurting the server...pretty horridly. To a degree players aren't being listened to and in the end, this is a service industry: The customers are who you please and if they're not please they take their business elsewhere. This server has always survived based off of word of mouth. Your friend tells you "Oh hey look I found this pretty nifty minecraft server you should come play it" and then people come, they bring their friends, who tell their friends, and so on and so forth. Only right now, no one is telling their friends about Minetown, the awesome minecraft server because everything that separates minetown from being a basic vanilla game has become broken, been removed, or otherwise doesn't work.
I like how this was originally a thread of someone asking what happened while they were gone.
Nova, you shouldn't be asking "why the hell are you on staff then". Jared may not be as active in game every day, but I do see him online every so often, we are allowed to have work lives. Plus, that's just plain rude.