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[Enjin Archive] MineTown communication/teams/events
Started by [E] Madster

I do see the communication problem a lot, its definitaly due to the sheer amount of issues they have to deal with and i would really like to see the server staff like it used to be. And I have to disagree with some of your points... but it is mostly to do with the fact that I've been here longer than most and have experienced a lot of the changes in the server.
Madster... being a mod is not a job. They volunteer for it. They are not paid. They are not allowed to abuse their powers for their own personal gain. They have zero obligation to log on every day at the same time every day. Yes, they do need to work as a mod, but only when they are able to. People have real life jobs, school, girlfriends/boyfriends/husbands/wives/children/parents/etc. These all come into account for how much time someone can spend on this game. If we put them in teams, we won't see PE's done, perhaps. I'm not trying to say what you said is wrong, I'm not trying to go against you. I'm just making a point here. Being a mod is 100% volunteer based. Mods work on PE's when they have the time. I'd say the average mod devotes 60-70% of their game time to their mod duties. That is enough.

From what I've heard, being a donator put's your PE at the top of the list. Yes, I believe that to be true. Okay, it's been 8 hours. It's safe to assume no one's PE has been answered yet. There are times I've waited for over a day for a PE to be answered. From what it seems, there's been a lot of issues with the server today. So mods have been busy trying to fix everything. You're basically asking for a segregation... a differentiation of mods. If you want the most "efficient" way of doing things, you assign who's best at what to whichever topic. Okay... why don't we run a crappy rpg server where you only have perms to cut wood? It's the same thing. You're given a job, in this case being "lumberjack." How I hated that server.

As to the cactus/fire drop event, please pay attention to ALL the chat. He said the ghast caused lightning, and only summoned lightning underneath the ghast. This was Cryston, I remember this. I was there, I NEVER died that whole time. Several people did NOT die on that drop. Please don't make assumptions just because YOU died.

Getting to your main point. Yes, I agree communication IS a problem. Not so much the lack of ability, but the lack of wanting. The mods are doing their job perfectly. Sure, I don't like a mod or two, but hey, that's life. A mod or two doesn't like me, most likely. There are people who both love and hate you, I can promise you that. The problem is the increase in number of factions. Many factions are pointless. They're all fantasy land bull. Espero, Vegas, Frost. Those ARE REAL factions. We have Cult of Wyrd and Organization, who'll soon work in collaboration (I hope) to bring Minetown beneficial structures for all of the MT community. We have Knights Templar. Browly (Am I spelling this right? It's the Pony one, which is FREAKING AWESOME, mind you). These are all I can remember. If I can't remember the other names, they aren't that important (in my opinion). I only know of ones that actually do something for Minetown. Many factions have 1-4 members... those aren't factions, in my opinion. They are isolated groups of people who refuse contact with the outside world except to buy/sell things. THAT is the reason for the lack of community.

I have not been on the server as long as jthm02, but I've been here longer than 80% of the community, at least. Back when at most I saw 40-50 people on (highest traffic amount).
well...idk what your original post was about as it has been shortened drastically...luckily duns replied in some very excellent detail.

Mods are 100% volunteer....i dont think anyone wants to sit around and only do petitions all day...i usually cut myself off after around 100petitions done in a day...this usually amounts to 4-6 hours of work with all the interruptions from players needing something done immediately or bugging me to do their pe...i dont play much anymore unless its after ive done a good niumber on the petitions or if its after 11ish at night and i cant function properly enough to do petitions correctly...

My cactus drop was warned that there was a high potential for death that night. Tho in the future, there will not be lightning at my drops again...that was a bit much imo as well...

mods are here to help when we can...even if we dun like you, we will still treat your petition just as we would any other.. we dont let our bias of someone interfere with what we are here to do. (at least i hope no one does...if they do...*smack*)

Factions area bit of an issue when people dont realize what they are doing by trying to make a faction...it takes a lot of time and serious players with a shared common interest to make it work. CoW and the Organization are a little different from most factions in that we are here for the rest of the server moreso than our own sub-communities. KT, Espero, Vegas, Frost, Dominion, etc are to promote decesnt groups. And they try to do things that still promote activity with the rest of the MT community. The rest of those factions that dont fall into these two groups are just interest groups or a cluster of friends who really should put themselves more into the MT community...
The original post got deleted by the op.
I just want to state the petitions made by donators DO NOT get preferential treatment. All players are considered equal regardless of how much you have donated or even if you have donated.

If anyone ever hears otherwise you inform me or direct that person to me. You are all equal on this server.

I am a mod. I have never donated to this server. This does not mean that I do not love it any less then someone that has donated.

Donating is a choice never feel like you are obligated to do it. We appreciate your donations, and they help to run the server and pay for maintenence and upkeep costs and the whatnot, but it is always an option and no one will be treated less if they are not a donator.
Lomanic wrote:
I just want to state the petitions made by donators DO NOT get preferential treatment. All players are considered equal regardless of how much you have donated or even if you have donated.

If anyone ever hears otherwise you inform me or direct that person to me. You are all equal on this server.

I am a mod. I have never donated to this server. This does not mean that I do not love it any less then someone that has donated.

Donating is a choice never feel like you are obligated to do it. We appreciate your donations, and they help to run the server and pay for maintenence and upkeep costs and the whatnot, but it is always an option and no one will be treated less if they are not a donator.


The third post is by DanniDorrito and it says that Donators are first in petitions?
It seems the OP of this thread got deleted....

Well, I just wanted to say that, as few of you may believe it's an issue, but there are no communications problem within the staff. As I repeated numerous times, there is a staff section on the forum with thousands of posts... a lot of issues are discussed privately between staff.... The general public do not need to be informed about drama stories and other BS.... we tell the public what they need to know... and discuss the rest with professionalism and personally.

Please do not make assumptions when you don't know what's going on behind the scenes... there is a lot more going on than most people could think of.


Edit: And yes, donators get priority treatment of PEs. What Lomanic meant is that they are not "superior beings", relatively to the game, compared to other players.