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[Enjin Archive] Scamming
Started by [E] Entei

ok im siding with ooz on this one. If all you have is access holy you cant then sell access to your access. Thats like subletting lol.
Yes holy you were told you could have ACCESS. that doesnt mean you own it. And the house is ooz'z if that is what you payed for that access
HolySm0kes wrote:
That is what ooz thinks but i was told differentley during the deal i was told i could have acces to all the spawners in there accept Blazes Ghast And Slimes because of the costs...I did go in the blaze one time because he opened the door for me and set have at them thats the only reason i was alloud in there

I said to the wolf only i will have to talk to bigdawg with the rest you said ok then deal
Here is how i see it:

Holysm0kes turned down the deal before he really even took anything from spawners, also, holy is owner of that town, so if deal is off, you cant sell a home you dont even have perms to. ooz, you seem to be the one scamming here, selling access to spawners that are not even urs? As well as, well as far as i know, giving false information. Im pretty sure they can check the log on that door, to see if he really went in there. also, im not 100% sure on this, but i think you can can temp banned for giving this false info about a scam. Or even perma ban. As well as holy just told me that you said he could have access to all of them execpt slime, ghast, and blaze. when you now are telling us that he can use only the wolf one. Your case here is not looking good. I know holySm0kes, he, out of all people, would not "scam" as you are stating.
Holy is getting ripped off he can't make any Profit off the one wolf spawners and was gave false info I'm siding with HOLY =)
yeah get a mod to go through logs to see the exact wording thatll solve this whole deal. If you misunderstood holy its up to ooz to forgive but it may just have to be a lesson learned about reading things through.
Im telling the truth
madster he said the spawners are his.(ooz)
k. I will get a mod to check this real quick, all of it. Im friends with irethena. i will see if shes on, if not, i will contact another mod/admin asap to resolve this conflict between the access to the spawner(s) for the home.
Please check the logs i never opened a door to the wolf spawner nor have i ever seen it as for slime i did not enter but oozbutch did open the door and the blazes i actually entered and died in there luckily ooz thankfully gave me back my stuff From the blaze spawner i got 6 blazes im willing to give those back if he wishes...And i still have not taken his perms away if he cannot build i do not know why?