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Started by [E] dead [1]

For the record ..

You guys shouldnt report anyone .. if u get killed..THIS IS STUPID SERIOSLY

cant u read the


And seriously stop acting like kids like u guys can do what u want and get ur stuff back ....

If u cant pvp ..


problem solved by jallaf
im personally tired of hearing this..And personally its starting to lead me to wanna leave the server...All i hear for the past 4 days is people crying about the end..Even when solutions were given..

People who dont pvp simply say + Im here not pvp..

If your pvp well then your an asshole for crying that you died one day becuase yo udidnt feel like pvping, but are known for running around bedbombing til your heatrs content..

You can not expect to be at peace with other people once you begin going around acting like a tough guy, and then cry the one time you dont want to becuase somone came and kicked your ass for killing them...

Something seriously needs to be done to qaush the whole bittrer bickering bullshit...

I am not pvp and have gone ther 4 times now, and have not been scratched.."HOWEVER" If your dumb enough to go into the end with Full inventory of diamonds and 150 levels and "BELIEVE" your not going to be killed by atleast accident..you my friend are a MORON!

It doesnt take much to look at the forums or even chat anymore and see what the hell has been going on..

This is WHY Lawless doesnt work.....And it never will, when you have non-pvp AND pvp, you need rules or shit like this happens..

I dont know wtf is going on in dominion, but but coffeey and landro have been trying to clean up alot of crap..

It really is not "THEIR" fault that people once inside decide to act like douchbags with holes in there stockings...

The only thing they can do is act acordingly and either as kthem to stop or kick them...

Yes, alot of damage has been done, but get the hell over it, move on and start fresh..

Sorry for the rant, but im done with the nonesense...This is happening damn near 24 hours a day now and im just done with it.

P.S Its not always dominion members that are out there killing people without remorse...

People are basically blaming every little thing that happens now in the end on them, which just isnt right...If you pay attention to chat instead of filling your head full of dirty used socks you will see that some of the time its just some asshat trying to make a name or just wanting to be an asshat..

now im done with my rant

/rant of dissapointment

The major minecraft servers focus on 3 aspects of the game: Survival, PVP, and Building. Minetown incorporates Survival and Building into the main world, but leaves out PVP, for obvious reasons. In order to focus more on that aspect, when the End was released, Sawine made it lawless.

It makes sense, if you ask me. When you go to the End in single player, that dragon deals A LOT of damage. But, due to lag on Minetown, you rarely get confronted by the dragon. And, on top of that, the dragon isn't there all the time. So, you need a new threat in the End. Why not PvP? If you have multiple people fighting to get that egg, or dominance in that world, it becomes a serious battle.

Even if you went to the End, in Single Player, just to collect End Stone, that dragon isn't going to show mercy. The dragon wouldn't show mercy if you said 'Just want to see what it looks like here. Don't kill me.' YOU WOULD DIE! Thats the same with PvP. You are always facing a threat, when you get there. Everyone needs to understand that. PvP in the end makes sense to me.
iSoccerplayer wrote:
The major minecraft servers focus on 3 aspects of the game: Survival, PVP, and Building. Minetown incorporates Survival and Building into the main world, but leaves out PVP, for obvious reasons. In order to focus more on that aspect, when the End was released, Sawine made it lawless.

It makes sense, if you ask me. When you go to the End in single player, that dragon deals A LOT of damage. But, due to lag on Minetown, you rarely get confronted by the dragon. And, on top of that, the dragon isn't there all the time. So, you need a new threat in the End. Why not PvP? If you have multiple people fighting to get that egg, or dominance in that world, it becomes a serious battle.

Even if you went to the End, in Single Player, just to collect End Stone, that dragon isn't going to show mercy. The dragon wouldn't show mercy if you said 'Just want to see what it looks like here. Don't kill me.' YOU WOULD DIE! Thats the same with PvP. You are always facing a threat, when you get there. Everyone needs to understand that. PvP in the end makes sense to me.

While I do Partially agree, That there should be some pvp in the end, their still needs to be a "SET" of rules... And as far as sawine making the end "lawless"

you have seen just what lawlessness does, and im pretty sure this isnt the outcome he was looking for when he mentioned it being lawless.

This whole sherade of lawlessness has caused nothing but grief...Why does it "HAVE" to be lawless? Why can it not be PVP for those who want pvp and Non-pvp for others?

Your basically saying "hey, if you dont like pvp your basically fucked from seeing this part of the game"

It wuold be different to me if it was something created by hand, Like warworld which notch and his devs didnt implement...But this is a place of resource, just like the nether..And I should not have to subject myself to being pvp'd in order to collect resources...

Being killed by a player for trying to collect resources to build a house is not my idea of fun., Not in anyway...And why should i have to spend credits or gold on something I SHOULD be able to go and freely collect.

No, im sorry, but pvp should be optional in every realm other then of course "Warworld"

I will always stand my ground on my thoughts of pvp in a game that has more lag issues then a world of warcraft expansion release....

As for the dragon never being there, can you blame the bastard? when you have people running around with exploding beds and lava buckets being spilled all over the place, id wanna not show up either.
The only natural material you could gather for a house would be Endstone, but that IS sold in the market, at a pretty low price. So people should be thinking 'Should I go to the End, and risk it, or go to the market, and fork over that 2-3 gold ingots.

As for the griefing, Im personally voting that the end gets reset annually. When you have people from both factions, running around, blowing up the other's bases, A LOT of material gets left behind. On top of that, you get the random people who come and destroy the end. If it were reset every so often, people would have a chance to rebuild their bases, to a better design each time, and get a fresh start.
I agree with the idea of a recurring reset of the End. Maybe once a month just to keep it not looking like total crap from idiots with lava buckets and others trying to build awesome forts that will eventually be left an empty husk.
yea...im done dealing with people complaining about the end poop that is going on...if you enter, you go at your own risk...pvp toggle is broken, there is nothing worth griefing, no protections, id prefer you still didnt grief the shit out of the spawn point, but im just past the point of caring what goes on there anymore...if you really need endstone, let me know and ill get enough to lower my price to 1-2g/stack...
If people really need end stone, pm me and I will be willing to go the at my own risk, and mine you a bunch. I'll do it for free, just to be nice

Edit: Seriously who would thumbs down this?
See? That too. There are many people who can go into the end, and come out alive. it isn't very hard to do. Im not sure how this became such a massive issue, when you consider the end is populated roughly 50% of the time. As jallaf said, "if you can't pvp... STAY THE FUCK OUT'