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[Enjin Archive] resistence recrutment

hello for those of you that dont know me i wuld probly say thats a good thing since i have bad publisity at the moment this forum thread isent about that thogh this is about what we "the resistence" do and who we are and even more importently how to submit a application to join us =]

lets start with telling you about our selfs atm "the resistence" is quit a big group for starting only about 2-3 weaks ago we have many members but the ones i will name are going to be the most helpfull/highly ranked resistence members we consist of


ultimatepk13 "me"



pokemongardivor(this player has been thron out of the dominion and we branded this player tratore for shuffling info butis and amazzing builder in our team althogh we are still warey of hear she helps us much)

well know you know who we are your probly wondering what we do well thats simple tbh we "resist"

but to go into more detail on what we do we are a faction dead set in our ways of making trouble for the groups that as thay say "own the end" like the dominion witch thanx to us is now on there final warning we have had bases set up in the end the work on themis usualy constant exept for the ones abandon because of wars gone well bad tbh our first base was um bed bomd to peces like many of them have bin but we are dead set upon bringing down factions that claim to "own the end" there are more factions out there that claim thay will mount a force to bring the dominin crashing down and rise to "owning the end"

so now you know who we are and what we do hear is how to apply to become a member of this faction "the resistence"

send me,adz0704,halos1518 or stealthm23 a measage on the forums set like this


reason for joining:hates the dominion and outher factions that claim to "own the end"

postion applying for: builder and nightmarshall

outher info:im creative fun love to joke around can be hotheaded make rah disions occashionily (but we all do dont we =]) have bin called a good leader ect....

ok so hear is the positions you can aplly for

knight marshall:comands a section of "the resistence" when under atack

builder:builds what he is told to

builder+:helps the builder@arms to decide the main design and helps defence maker decide where to put defences

builder@arms:tells all builders what to do and choses the main desighn to be vot for by the comity of leaders

defencemaker:desighns traps and cages fire pits ect to help kill players when thay are attacking the base

marshal:controls a divishion of a section of the knight marshall controlls when is asked to is second to the knight marshall

fighter:as the name states you fight<

You guys are a disgrace. Do you not realise that we, Dominion, have apoligised for our actions in the past and are trying to move on with our faction to do more things that aren't pvp.

We have calmed down in the end a bit now and i think its absolutely ridiculous that you guys are trying to come now and bring all this stuff from the past back up again. And also i dont think adz is in your faction since we buried the hatchet like mature person, unlike you.
Also i think its hilarious that nearly all of your faction only join when Dominion rejects there application form xD
please download a wordbook and check your posts for spelling mistakes. i promise that youll get better at english if you do lol

theres no h in design-

thay is spelled they-

outhor is spelled other-

sorry i took this up but im just tring to help you so you dont get downvoted for it... im not going to comment the fact that you dont like factions that claims to own the end.

EDIT: lol coffeey im am actualy NOT trolling haha. this is one of the 1% of my posts which are not trolls lol. shit just made a troll omg!
Classic danish trollage xD
omg i trolled my own untrolling post! why!!!!
coffeey, you can not clam that dominion has calmed down, only 3 days ago my friend barny626 was kliied by one of your members
Wow ok its called PVP get over it. PVP is allowed. We have cancelled all protections, we have layed fairly quite in the end and we do not claim that we own the end anymore but we will be back to the end in the future dont get me wrong.

If the last time a Dominion member killed you was 3 days ago then thats pretty good in my opinion. We are a PVP faction after all.
mike if you go into the end you have to prepare to be killed. it is a well known pvp area. are you talking about barney-the-owner-of-savage or what? i know that barney and hes my friend but im pretty sure that he knew the end is a pvp area with manny pvp'ers.

im not a part of dominion. i went to the end - knew it was a pvp place - got killed - got over it
btw i wasnt killed by a dominion member. they arent the only pvp'ers in the end