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[Enjin Archive] am i unbanned now?
Started by [E] magicman525

you said 24 hours am i unbanned srry to staff for raging yesterday i swear i never stole those 3 gold ingots but i figured no one belived me for it felt like everyone in minetown had a bone to pick with me felt like i was being treated like criminal scum because i figured no one belived me at all and thought about quiting the server cause if i came back i was afraid everyone would treat me diffrent cause no one belived me i know i never stole but no one else does

im srry for yelling in anger to you guys i just dont like to be acused of things i didnt do so with that i apoligize for yelling in my ban appeal but seriusly imgine yourself in my shoes but in real life say you were at a store and someone accused you of stealing from the cash register you know you didnt do it and youd try to clear your name so cops dont send you to prision for something you didnt do wouldnt you get angery? anyway point being im srry for yelling ive never griefed or stole since ive played minecraft i know that and thats all that matters
who keeps thumbs downing my posts ill butcher them ._.
The post was amended, as you clearly saw. YOU are banned, until your attitude has improved. From this post, it is clear your attitude hasn't improved in the slightest. Try again tomorrow. Cya.
wow dude my attitude has inproved your just not relizing it i apoligized for yelling wtf more i got to do i just dont like being acussed of doing stuff i havent done oviusly your to ignorent to relize i was apolizing for yelling but you acused me of stealing witch i didnt do witch is why i yelled in the first place and you clearly said 24 hours your treating someone like dirt that didnt do jack in the first place
magicman525 wrote:
who keeps thumbs downing my posts ill butcher them ._.

Yep. Great improvement.
im not going to say i stole when i never stole in the first place so if thats wat i got to do to get unbanned u can forget about it cause i never did
well why did you thumbs it down some fake way of seeing i improved i thought that member that put the 40 on my votes was doing that to me again why would u thumbs down me for no reson at all do u injoy making people hurt?
I am NOT the one thumbs-downing your posts. Why did you do it to me? -_- Its things like THAT that are keeping you off our server.
seeing as your rude enough to keep a person that never stole banned for something he didnt do it just shows how self sentered u are for it and was why the reson i was thinking about quiting the server staff ganging up on me for not doing jack
i did it to you because you hurt me by falsely acuseing me of stealing that ill admit of doing and i would fix it if you would show me respect i did it cause you lost my respect for u