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[Enjin Archive] Completly unacceotable..
Started by [E] Gurgash

danni said there would be a dimond drop at spawn point, Being that spawn point is supposed to be SAFE I went there with my efficeny 4 pick-axe, and a few other items which arnt worth mentioning, only to be struck down and set on fire multiple times with lightning!

Whoever did this might find it funny in there eyes, But I find these complete abuse of power, and ocmpletly disrespectful...I dont care who did it, thats unnacceptable...If you Said hey guys Diamond drop with chance of death...Reasonable..

but not unexpectably like that...

And what about all that time it took me to stack my levels so i can enchant my tools? GONE...

Im really pissed about this..

Luckily i decided, "too much lag' and left before that. Sorry for you though :C hope youre reimbursed. What that guy did could be considered Luring.
Well personally, im not even logging in until something is done.. Personally I like the server I do.. But how can i put my trust into Admins and mods if they do things like this? Until Sawine actually talks to me about this, Im pretty much not logging in... This really took a hit on me...Sure I could just man up and take it i guess...But then whats to sto pit from happening again? and again?
It seems you're confused on the situation so I'll explain what happened...

I was dropping the diamond but had absolutely nothing to do with the lightning, that was another staff member fooling around on his own will. I apologize for this as it wasn't foreseen nor planned (why would it?)
I am not diecting it at you danny, As i saw in chat before i ragequit, You said that it wasnt you...But the person who did do it needs to be held accountable for their actions....

Also Did not mean to make it osund like this was danny's idea to do as well...

The Way I should have posted is

Danny Said diamond drop, But some one took it upon themselves to begin spawning lightning...
First off it was DANNY not danni who had the drop.

Secondly it was not his fault as it wasnt him who created the storm.. i wont say who, and im sure it was an accident

I wont say who again (not the person who made the storm) but a mod today posted a lethal warp in chat and i fell for it and died in lava. The warp was called

'Toowarm' or 'toohot' or something like that. It wasnt just me who fell for it but when i asked why he did it he just replyed 'Its an old warp i didnt think anyone would fall for it...'

I have a screenshot but i wont post in case i get on the wrong side of a mod or mods, because im sure no action would be taken as it would be taken against a normal member (not being disrepectful, but lets be honest)
Coffeey it's the opposite <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

We break a rule we risk losing our mod status almost instantly~

Directed the person to this thread so hopefully they will return what you lost. If anyone else has lost anything because of it, direct them to this thread and get them to post here. Rather keep the incident contained in one thread yknow?
The staff member responsible for this will handle this situation when he comes online.
I only lost 16 gold, wich im not interested in, but its just the fact that he did it, and i could see in chat other people burning
Coffeey, no offense but if you do know, I believe you should say who. First off, what are the points of the rules. To keep EVERYONE on the same page, correct? If mods and admins are not held accountable for the rules, why should we? If the person who was struck by lighting took it as a joke (like I've done before when I was struck by someone I know) then it is fine. However, if they just struck random people, that's kind of messed up and they deserve to at least come forth and apologize. You're right, they probably have an "inner circle of mods" in which they don't punish each other and might think they can get away with some things. However, in this case this is what is going on:

5 - Don't be annoying on purpose.

This includes, but is not limited to:

Do not troll.

Do not spam chat.

Do not type in caps.

Do not harass other players

If someone asks you to leave their place, leave.

Do not beg admins for anything.

This would violate this rule, mainly the harassing part (closest thing in this case). It might not be intended as such, but it seems to be reported as such. I do believe some kind of action should be taken. Maybe that mod would get a (I know it sounds mean, but something needs to happen) a 2 day ban or something. It's just an opinion, so don't everyone down vote me. It is FAR more work to remove him from OP and then put him back on it than it is to just do a 2 day ban, I'd think. All those plugins and modifications you'd then have to give permissions to again... that would just be a waste of time. Again, I (agreeing with Coffeey) highly doubt anything will be done, but eh I thought I'd give my two cents of input.