Today, after about a week (propably more) of the infamous landr0 (xD) bringing fear and death to the end, myself and cauldweller FINALLY brought the pvp KING to his knees.
After about 10 minutes of chasing landr0 in the end, landr0 firing buckets of lava at us, and landr0 blocking our paths with blocks, me and cauldweller finally managed to trap landr0 and kill him once and for all.
His massive killsteak has been ended <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>

After about 10 minutes of chasing landr0 in the end, landr0 firing buckets of lava at us, and landr0 blocking our paths with blocks, me and cauldweller finally managed to trap landr0 and kill him once and for all.
His massive killsteak has been ended <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>