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[Enjin Archive] Could you all please help?
Started by [E] Eunjun

Hello everyone,

This is a formal thing so I have to list everything about me (for legal purposes). Or rather, everything pertaining to this. My name is John Dunsford II. I've been on Minetown for about 4 months. I attend, and represent (in this case) California State Polytechnic University sister campuses. I am currently a third year student working on my second bachelors. This bachelors is Agricultural Science and Education. I am on a team of 47 researchers world wide pioneering in reversing desertification. This is an actual war, for all of those in the field of agriculture. I need to conduct a one question survey.

I would appreciate that if you participate in this poll, that you please add your Country and state/province. This data will be used anonymously. As I can't tell what you vote, but I'll only tell your location. Your user names will not be used in this survey. There will only be one table of locations vs one table of answers. They will go under statistical analysis for use in my individual research to be submitted to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (My employer). For future purposes, this group will be called the FAO (it's actual acronym).

If you are willing, please include your age range in the post with your location. This data may or may not be used for increased organization, depending on sample size. Each of us 47 researchers are trying to ask as many people as possible. The larger, the better.

Age groups as follows:











You may laugh at the 100-109, however there is actually a lot of people (roughly a few thousand) whom are currently in that age group.

Major Areas of Impact: Sahara Desert, Gobi Desert

Minor Areas: United States, Mexico, South Africa, Australia, Several countries in Europe (most probable to be Germany and neighboring countries, as well as Turkey). Other locations I am not at liberty to say.

Before the question, I want to thank you for all your time and effort put into this. If you vote, I would really appreciate you at least post your country and state/province at the minimum, so that we can divide data based on region. This survey is being done due to the fact that the FAO has not officially sanctioned our research, as we still have 6 months of trial left in our plot testing. This survey is only to provide preliminary data to the FAO so that they may allocate a proper budget. This program that we are designing, if officially sanctioned and funded, will help to end world hunger within 30 years of project start (that's when initial phases will be complete). Total project time from start to finish, to create 100 square miles of arable land: 47 years. 1000 square miles: 60 years. 10000 square miles: Project finish, end of phase 7 - 100 years. World hunger would have ended, and availability of food would allow for population boom, supporting 40 billion people. Of course, land would not be clumped together. Main focus would be the Sahara and Gobi desert (life matter appx. 50 tons, for both deserts, not including deciduous which adds roughly 350 tons). Only 7 identified species would be harmed if this project made the 10000 mi2 (square miles). However, land would be portioned out in a way that we would effectively relocate any living creature away into a proper habitat within the same region.

Here's the question:

Would you be willing to support (in this case, make votes in your country) your country participating in a united effort to make portions of the Sahara and Gobi deserts arable land (if you don't know, it means soil good enough to farm on without use of too much fertilizer)? This support goes as far as employing professors and giving internships to students studying in soil sciences.

All intellectual property rights of the FAO are owned by the United Nations. You may only use such information for personal use. All intellectual property is protected by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples found here: http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/documents/DRIPS_en.pdf.

Basically, it says don't break your own country's law of intellectual property. Doing so will result in whatever consequence your country has deemed. Participating in this survey does not make you a member or affiliate of the United Nations, nor the FAO.

Again, thank you for your time and effort. I hope you all have a great day, and thank you so much for your input. The question is posted after this again, just for organizational purposes. Thank you again.

Would you be willing to support (in this case, make votes in your country) your country participating in a united effort to make portions of the Sahara and Gobi deserts arable land (if you don't know, it means soil good enough to farm on without use of too much fertilizer)? This support goes as far as employing professors and giving internships to students studying in soil sciences.
I would support it, however if i remember correctly (it may have changed in recent years since i was schooled <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> ) the sahara desert is constantly expanding and would reclaim any building/landscape/aeration that was forced into it. This factor would have to be compensated for before I would put my full support into it otherwise we really are wasting peoples time, energy, and resources on a failed cause.

Like i said...this may have changed in recent years as I really havent paid much attention to the Sahara Expansion Rates
Well, Zionia: You may be surprised, but I (only with one other person) solved that issue. We took the theory of soil structure and applied it to alkaline soils (alkaline refers to what the majority of any desert is today). The expanding of the Sahara is due to desertification. That's my area of specialty. Of all 47 researchers hired by the FAO, I'm the only one with specialty in desertification. My partner is solving the "expanding" problem was someone who emphasized in soil structure. I can say we can stop the expansion 100% for sure. According to our statistics, we have only 4% uncertainty about not being able to hold any land we regenerate. That means we have a 96% success rate in our research. However, the 6 months left is about this topic. For the needs of the economy, we can't wait the usual 20 years of research. We sped the process up to 3 years. Which, all in all, is the same amount of research. We just do so on more land in quicker time, and spend roughly 9 hours of the day working in a lab doing analysis on soil. After such, we spend roughly 4 hours a day on excel (yes, a cheap program but it WORKS!!!!) doing ANOVA (Analysis of Variance).

Also, Zionia: What is your country and state/province? We need this information so we can report to the FAO which countries we should target for support. Also, we plan to do work in these countries (whom we will do work of this nature in, if they have any land that has gone through desertification).

Also, now you know why I'm not on much anymore, haha. I'm free Saturday... I think... so I should be on (first time in 3 weeks? haha).
USA Virginia

thats good to know. at least there is a solution to it. but yea, i would support this on a moderate scale so long as it didnt affect the global climate by taking back the desert too much at a time. its a great idea considering the amount of usable farmland drops more and more each year due to various reasons

nice to know why we dont see your ugly mug around much <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> hope to see you around again soon!
Ontario, Canada (2 hrs south west of Toronto.)

33 is my age. Couldn't remember the ranges.
Arizona, USA


Kildare, Ireland
USA Indiana 20-29


Makes me sad im only 4 months off the higher age band. Saying im inbetween the ages of 10-19 makes me feel like a teenie bopper o.o