uh hi this is magicman525 and for the last hour now this dude silentkiller999 has been spaming me in pm saying hes griefing and trolling me i managed to get picks of him pming me spaming but not of him telling me hes griefing now i dont even know this person witch is freaky cause he keeps saying i know him maybe miss comunication or ? idk but here picks of him spaming me but not spaming hes griefing cause i was to busy fileing pes to take that cause he wouldnt leave me alone idk wat his deal is im just asking for a way to mute him or him to not talk to me cause /ignore doesnt work couldnt figure out how to attach it so i posted 2 picture of him spaming me when i told him not to for over a hour it was when i asked how to report him that he was saying srry plz dont get me banned