Actually I removed roughly 7 yellow/orange blocks that he removed from a building that Tacoicingman created for me on 'jsmhisland' we were merging our two islands since they were close together. Then I said forget it because I figured I was dealing with an infant and said it wasn't worth the hassle. I have been MIA for a week, I came back and questioned him about it today. I saw the signs and knew thats where the building went he then informed me he didnt want me apart of his island anymore (fine with me I dont really care) but it upset me he didnt even ask to take my building apart. I would of honestly been fine with it since I was technically working "with him" its the fact that he lied to me saying he purchased them, and didnt demolish what I was creating on the opposite island (that was originally all mine) but it is rather funny I'm missing what he created his sign with. I put a lot more into those buildings than just those wool blocks. So I theoretically could take more, but I'll just move on elsewhere. He is the only one with access to "my" island so I know he had to be the one to remove it. Honestly I dont care like I stated in my PE, just remove my permissions from his island and his permissions from jsmhisland. I dont think its griefing when I only take back 1/100th of what he took from me, and I had the permission to do so, I was a coowner of his island. Thank you, JSMH.
Seeing as you both had access to this and you both took something you both are in the wrong
Jsmh you should of made a pe instead of taking it back
Now a mod will see this and have no evidence of luca taking your stuff so cannot believe you...
Where as Luca has evidence of you doing the same and there for you may get banned
Never say, well he did it to me so I can do it to him.
Jsmh you should of made a pe instead of taking it back
Now a mod will see this and have no evidence of luca taking your stuff so cannot believe you...
Where as Luca has evidence of you doing the same and there for you may get banned
Never say, well he did it to me so I can do it to him.
I didn't say well he did it to me I can do it to him. There is evidence he did it. I guess you don't understand. Bottom line is we both had ownership of each island. He demolished an entire building taking a TON of mats. I removed 7 blocks which I threw back down when I realized it was stupid, I didn't technically grieve, it was "my island". I submitted a pe after this, stating to remove my access from his island and remove his access from my island.
Fair enough
I understand you are adolescent but you need to grow up and understand that you shouldn't lie then go yell wolf. Haven't you ever read little red riding hood? You admit to me via chat that you DID infact steal from me (who cares its a video game is what I'm thinking) but the part that upsets me is to get my revenge I take some of (7 pieces out of 150 some odd things stolen) you cry wolf after I said "hey I'm taking my stuff back" You say "no you arent ill report you" I say "come watch me"...then you make this thread saying I "griefed" your city. When in fact it was OUR city to begin with. Now this is stupid drama. However, I'm still offended that you called me a liar which quite frankly I am not, and the whole time YOU are the one lieing. Quite frankly I don't appreciate this AT ALL. You need to GROW UP. You commited an act, same act minimally happened to you, you didn't like it, you go report it, now the tables are turning and so your story changes. Good Job!

Well even though i did grief we were build partners i understand that but its not ok to take back stuff without asking.I understand i griefed, but you also griefed. the reason i took your wool was because i thought you were inactive. If you wold have asked to have your wool back, i would have given it to you. But you had to make it hard and we will probably both get banned. i understand i also lied, and im sorry P.S., thanks for using ALL CAPS RAGE, and stealing back my stuff, which is not ok. Good luck with losing your 300 dollar donation.
i also said i would pay you back for the wool and anything to repay you.
First off, I questioned you about it.The first thing you said was "I didnt take anything of yours from the building, not sure must of been highpred". I didnt use ALL CAPS RAGE, pretty sure I never raged. As for griefing you back I removed 7 blocks which I dropped instantly realizing I didn't want to stoop to your level if you had to steal my items so be it. You lied, bottom line, now you are trying to cover it up. Just stop let it go...
lucaslower wrote:
Well even though i did grief we were build partners i understand that but its not ok to take back stuff without asking.I understand i griefed, but you also griefed. the reason i took your wool was because i thought you were inactive. If you wold have asked to have your wool back, i would have given it to you. But you had to make it hard and we will probably both get banned. i understand i also lied, and im sorry P.S., thanks for using ALL CAPS RAGE, and stealing back my stuff, which is not ok. Good luck with losing your 300 dollar donation.
So him reclaiming his blocks is considered griefing?
You're really looking like the worse person here Lucas. You admit to griefing and lieing.
If I were your mothers I would have banged your heads together by now >.>
Both of you are showing childish behaviour. I will deal with this when I get back home from work.
Both of you are showing childish behaviour. I will deal with this when I get back home from work.