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[Enjin Archive] MineTown History

But if we type now, it's no longer necroing since the necro already necroed.
I did it for the lulz. Also, story time!

Gather 'round, ye children, and hear the tale of DARTH ZIMMERIS!

Once upon a time, there was a user named Darth Zimmeris who could make money appear from unicron farts and fairy tears. Yes, he was rich. So rich, he donated over $9000 bucks (okay, $4000 dollars and that's Canadian so not even real 'murkin money) to the server.

Darth Zimmeris, kids, was the 1%. But money cannot buy happiness. It can't even by you Mod privileges, as you shall see.

But he was sad, for he was a troll. Despondent with his sad lot in life, he took it upon himself to taunt ze wymmins of the server (as trolls are want to do). Freud might point to latent mommy issues but those of us in Minetown know better, having defeated wild Broly's and rogue Admins twice his size before but with better bridges and permissions. It was then in December of 2011 that, with great hubris for which he had no rightful claim, Darth Zimmeris taunted one DanniDorito. He made grave insult to her womanhood and valor and insinuated dishonor upon her from his meager troll bridge. Such was his discontent.

This is what is known as pulling a Custer. It is never advised.

" BRING ME THE HEAD OF DARTH THE ZIMMERIS!" Raged Danni. And she was heard by all.

The results was a flame war of epic proportions. DanniDorito and her magnificent (allegedly lesbian) army therefore descended upon the troll's forum wall and threads with a force rarely seen in nature. Together they redeemed the honor of Dani and all wymmins of Minetown! Spectators will remember when mighty Irethena rode away, loots in hand, to recruit sisters for the glorious hour of triumph. Even n00bs took sides: Iron_Orchid , author and scribe herself, was called upon for a dangerous but ultimately doomed recon mission under the bridge wherein she attempted to fraternize with the enemy. Scholars would later speculate that this particular mission might have gone better were she sober. Pyre, Irthena and Orchid would later be seen ritually sacrificing themselves in a ritual spiderweb jail seppuku to cleanse themselves of failure that night. It was hot. It was merciless. It was Minetown at it's best, for sisterhood!

Beaten and defenseless, Darth Zimmeris was rumored to have attempted to bribe his way out of certain doom by claiming he meant no offense. Not being without mercy, the Mod-Gods of the land heard his pleas, but ultimately found them to be but the hollow whinnies of a beaten man. Therefore the did charge up the Mighty Banhammer and with a fierce roar, brought it down upon the head of Darth Zimmeris, and made justice. Danni and her lesbian armies were aplomb with triumph, their leaders honor once again restored and wymmin powerful!


Orchid later made Darth a tombstone to commemorate that glorious event and the efforts of all. It would later be described as " Awesome" and " grammatically challenged." Some say Darth's ghost haunts the forums of Minetown to this day, following everyone as the zombie known as Rawr and living in some obviously made-up country called Tanzania.

And everyone lived happily ever after!
Not this kind of history...

+1 for effort
If this idea still exists let me know and ill fill in some information.
I still think that post is epic....and accurate. xD and HILARIOUS! There should be a "Graveyard" section on the wiki page for lulz, with the stories behind all the epic fails that got people on the gravestones.
Yeah, fill it in!
when i joined 11 months ago (1. march) you had to pay 5 bucks to join. so i did and i bought a lot in vegas and became very good friends with raven and net golden. i remember how i tried to build a scyscraber haha but i never finnished becouse i was to lazy to make all the materials myself (had no gold). soon i also met oki ( i had a 27 stacks of cobble that i traded to him for 3 or 4 iron per stacks lol).

stuff happened and i contuinued building my skyscraber.

then raven left and i was relly sad cus he was my only friend so i just went walking. i had nothing to do so i just walked through spawn. i was in a dessert when i saw the spawn wall and broke a gold block i think (i thought it was protected. by hand) and the oki quickly came and warned me and he made me promise that i would never ever do anything againgst the rules again.

i learned my lesson and i never broke a rule again.

.... WHY DID RAVEN LEAVE?! still sad bout it lolz. i think some of the old players who have met raven feel the same sadness as me...


i forgot to mention that when raven left and i griefed the wall i was so sad that i actualy left minetown ofr a month or 2 i think. the i started a new home in a new city.
Someone needs to add a History section to the wiki..
I Will! I've been playing Since April. Not too long, but Ik a bit

Once (around January) there was a mod called Choco and he made a boo boo. It caused everything to despawn and chest protection to kind of fuck off and go to Reno for a week. Everyone guarded their chest and then made over inflated claims to the mods about items they never intended on collecting!

The End!