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[Enjin Archive] Modern Warfare 3
Started by [E] gamer123777

Battlefield took a massive step towards Black ops in BF3.

But then again, I'm starting to think EA is just trying to earn more by copying CoD...

*Insert Hunter 9340's Profile picture here*

And BF3 should probably have been called something more like "Battlefield Black Ops 2"

C_T - The true gamer.
"Ferrari, Blue Steel, LaTigra, it's the same look! Am I the only person who notices this?!, I feel like I'm taking crazy-pills!" -- Zoolander

(But seriously, every MW game is just a clone of the previous game, with slightly better graphics and a few new features.)

Run, run, shoot the gun, throw a grenade or two... then do it all over again, for like six hours. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>

(I invented the piano-key necktie, I invented it!...)
Altho all CoD games do involve "run, run, shoot the gun, then throw a grenade or two." I think you should know thats the point of Call of Duty and everygame. Its the whole concept of pretty much every first person shooter. I also dont think its fair to say that only Call of Duty involves the six hour repeatedness of it all, because pretty much every game repeats its self no matter how good. I enjoy MW3 and think it took a huge step from Black Ops, which by the way, was made by Treyarch which is no where close to the skilled programmes of Infinity Ward!
DxWeennaaaa wrote:
Altho all CoD games do involve "run, run, shoot the gun, then throw a grenade or two." I think you should know thats the point of Call of Duty and everygame. Its the whole concept of pretty much every first person shooter. I also dont think its fair to say that only Call of Duty involves the six hour repeatedness of it all, because pretty much every game repeats its self no matter how good. I enjoy MW3 and think it took a huge step from Black Ops, which by the way, was made by Treyarch which is no where close to the skilled programmes of Infinity Ward!

That's fine, people enjoy repetitive, mindless tasks which can be repeated infinitely. ...Minecraft? <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

But when you've been playing "run run shoot the gun" since the first FPS came out on the market, it gets a bit old. At least for me. The same pudding, over and over and over and over again. And all the 14 year olds screaming with their high-pitched voices into their headsets can become a bit... abrasive.

And then there's the fact that you're playing a game which is all about the gratuitous killing of other Beings. That's fun when you're young, but when you get older it stops being interesting, and becomes more boring than anything else.

But have fun!!! Kill lots of peoples! \o/ xD

(And I wasn't limiting my remarks to only the CoD franchise, I find all FPS equally boring these days...)

EDIT: And as the years go by, I find myself enjoying the "retro" classics more and more, like "Wolfenstein 3D", "Spear Of Destiny" "Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold", "Hexen", "Descent", "Marathon", and of course: "DOOM" You should give those a try again, you might be surprised at how much fun you can have!
I don't hate Call of Duty, I hate Activision with all my heart.
Don't we all!
Darth, there's a mute button for a reason. At least on xbox 360 there is. As soon as I hear a kid, *MUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!* CoD is a great game if you're into that type of play. Some people (like my roommate) are into mainly sports games. Some people like Minecraft all day long. It depends from person to person. Yes, I agree that CoD is just "run run shoot the gun," but the story is different. As well, like you said, there are new features. Some features just make me want to kill the developers, and some make me want to praise them. It's all a matter of perspective, so you can't really say CoD is the best nor the worst as a generalization, as it is different from person to person.