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[Enjin Archive] Donating Money for Unban
Started by [E] sfether

I think it would be like a $5 bail fee, and they would not get any donator privileges, and the punishment would be that if they were to be banned again, it would be perm.
Yeah. But then again, more money could pay for it.

5$=1st Ban

10$=2nd Ban

15$=3rd Ban

And so on and so forth.
I was in a building that I found by my house while I was exploring and there were raw diamond ore blocks on the ground that were unlocked so I mined them. Once I was done mining what I could I left. Without any say they just banned me. I didn't have the chance to give the diamond back or for them to even say ooo that is someone diamond ore you need to give that back. Noooo sir I got out to eat and when I come back banned and no one would even give me a second chance. I know I lied but look at everyone else on the ban appeals they grief right out of chests and try to cover their asses and still get unbanned. This was raw diamond ore of coarse I'm going to mine it and especially if it's unblocked because that is the whole point of the game last time I checked.
First off, dont you find it a bit suspicous of diamond ore on the surface of the world?

Also, if it is in the floor of a building, i would think that would be obvious that it belongs to someone else?
Ya I did find it suspicious that it was on the surface but its a form of currency in the game so I wanted it for general things
I would say the lesson would be to add protections, but for why? Minetown is supposed to be a safe place without griefers or the need to add protections. Also, the whole point of the game is to mine, build, and explore, like you said fether. But people like you ruin that when you grief and steal. You also added on to the list of bad things by lying about it, then chickening out about the lie, and telling the truth. If you do get unbanned (which I highly doubt), you may do it again, ruining another persons building, which they may have put a lot of time into. What if I just came into your house, dug up your carpet, and left? Would you be mad?
No, I don't think you should be able to simply donate money and become unbanned.

The message you're sending, then, is that rich people are allowed to break the rules and suffer no consequence, while those of average wealth must live under the banhammer.

Now, of course, "things are always done," and if a player who has been banned were to offer some large sum of money, well, those instances could be reviewed by Sawine on a case-by-case basis, but generally no: It's not a matter of good policy to make bans reversable with cash.

--BanWarden Darthimus Maximus
Yes I would be mad but this isn't any normal carpet this is raw diamond ore not diamond blocks that are used as the carpet. There are only two ways you get diamond ore you either find it naturally or a admin places it there for you so it requires no work at all. I am not one of those people that goes around stealing everybody's stuff. I just started playing this game and I recently bought a shop in the market place. Since then I have build a farming complex that is 64x64 and if you do the math that is 4096 blocks that I have grown sugar cane, wheat, melon, and soon to be pumpkin. Trust me I spend most of my time working on the complex and I don't have time to go out and steal or peoples stuff. I recently started making a tree floor (which makes that 8192 blocks to take care of) and I needed some saplings so during my exploring I came across the building and like anyone else that is new to this server I NEEDED MONEY!!! I saw the diamond ore and new that it was either there naturally or a admin had placed it there so I took it. And just to show how it effected there little building so much they took a picture of the building after I had taken all the diamond ore and then a minute later it filled all back in again. Now that is true hard work right there. The only effect this had on them was that they needed to spend some extra time to ban me. This event actually showed them where they needed to lock there area too because my friend went back and tried mining it and he couldn't do it. Also during this whole thing one of the people that filed the ban had been talking shit about me over the server publicly. Now that is not right. If they want the diamond back they can have it I don't care the only thing I care about is getting back on the server
... Holy market rant, Batman! That was completely out of nowhere. So you own a market spot. That does not mean you can steal diamond ore from a floor. Also, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure diamond ore is at the CreditShop. Another thing is that if an admin did put the diamond ore there, why does that make you believe that you can just take it? Honestly, what was running through your mind when you saw the ore? That an admin put it there, so you could probably just take it? That is was just there, with a house around it, and no one would mind? I mean, if that is what you thought, then why would you lie about it? If you thought that it was your right to take the ore, why would you deny it? I also see that your (I think this is what your doing) complaining that the diamond was restored after you took it. Why,do you think that they should not have it? Also, way to throw some one under a bus. '...because my friend went back and tried mining it and he couldn't do it.' Seriously? Did you ask your friend to go and do something you had just been banned for? That is just weak, dude. You say you needed saplings. Then just go and destroy leaves off trees like everyone else, instead of griefing diamonds! I honestly don't know how you got to the conclusion "Oh, I need saplings. Better go break the rules and grief some guys floor for some diamonds!" How does that even follow? As a last thing, I go back to your market rant. You say you had a tree floor? Well, what if I ran into your store, said "Ooo, what a nice floor!" and take an axe to it. And If I got banned, I would throw a tantrum, then apologize, and try to sound sincere, and got unbanned. How would that make you feel?
Ya I would be mad but I would be you right now giving me this long lecture and as long as you don't do it again I believe you would deserve a second chance. All you people are so mean about it!!!