heavy ftw (only class i can play as on my craptop and get kills <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Drupe wrote:
GammaGames wrote:
disguise as an engineer, go sap stuff :3
Most of the time, an engy already has a dispenser up. He will be constantly at his stuff, especially if you're in CP or arena. Chances are he will see you, and chances are you are disguised as him. And chances are he has the sense to follow you. And chances are you have dead ringer. k.
actually, there are always more than 1 engineers on the enemy teams. If I see him, and i'm disguised as him, I switch to a dif class and go up behind everyone and re-disguise (hoping it's a different person). He does have dispensers up, that's the first thing I go for. I had dead ringer, but I found a watch that gives me pretty much infinite invisibility, very fast reload time and if i do it right i can get it so i recharge my watch and am invisible at same time. k :3
I hardly ever play TF2, but when I do I either go Sniper or Medic

<3 Engineer
<3 Engineer