Ya, I got banned awhile back for some stuff but got unbanned. Now some random admin or mod who apprenently doesn't get filled in banned me... you can ask sawine.
Um you wouldnt be posting this if sawine knew
no, i mean sawine knows that I got unbanned, not that he knew that I JUST got banned.
I heard a while back that he was allowed back, and ive seen him on a few times.
I really dont think his lying..
I really dont think his lying..
Well you're banned for you did before, that and you said "I will hax server" in chat before u got banned...
Wait.. Khoshy tried to troll about his ealier ban?..
Dude.. Lame..
Dude.. Lame..
Lol ^^ Shake My Head
Some Kid: Hey, Weren't You Banned?
Me: Lawlz no i zar haxor, i hax server now i zar on.
Obviously Kidding, Kids these Days.
Some Kid: Hey, Weren't You Banned?
Me: Lawlz no i zar haxor, i hax server now i zar on.
Obviously Kidding, Kids these Days.
Oh.. I think it would be fine then? <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>

Jul 27, 11
Reply to user
You're unbanned.
Next time it will be permanent.
Sawine sent me this message, last july.
Jul 27, 11
Reply to user
You're unbanned.
Next time it will be permanent.
Sawine sent me this message, last july.
MastaC banned you for hacking vaults
edit: got it from the banned players list so this is all I know
edit: got it from the banned players list so this is all I know