I agree in That Lil Should be Perma Banned. Also, seeing how It DID say it was moving to another server. So... Why does it need to be in this server anyway? ^-^

Yeah, you can't pull any "I didn't mean it" shit this time. You clearly, deliberately were advertising another server, and this is against the rules. From that screenshot it looks like you didn't "forget" to type /tell, so you obviously were publicly mentioning this server. So go on that other server, because you're not welcome here if you're going to break the rules and not even realize that you are. If you would have read the rules, you would have clearly seen:
8 - Do not advertise other servers.
So goodbye, you are permabanned. And this thread is locked. kthanxbye
8 - Do not advertise other servers.
So goodbye, you are permabanned. And this thread is locked. kthanxbye