Username: CheckersFX
When was I banned: 8/17/14
Person who banned me: I have no idea
Reason I was banned:
Innappropraite Nicknames
Server: TeamSpeak
While I haven't ever seen a set list of rules for the Mumble or Teamspeak servers, I'd like to think that this rule didn't suddenly spring into action. I've been changing my nickname for 3 or so years now and I'd like to know why suddenly this is an issue and even it was an issue, does a first time offense really warrant a permanent ban with NO warning? I was in a channel with friends all changing our nicknames, I poked one person while I had the nickname "(ಠ_ಠ)" and I don't think that's horribly "Innappropraite." If the nicknames I had were so terrible I wish somebody had told me at the time rather than banning me in my sleep a day after this was done.
Now I understand that standard protocol dictates that bans are dealt with by those who did the banning. But I wish for this to be dealt with by somebody who takes a permanent ban seriously enough to actually check their spelling when doing so. Somebody with that authority shouldn't be banning somebody on an impulse so instantly that they don't have the time to look at their chat for one second. While it may be a minor spelling mistake, it is a minor spelling mistake on an important message, and that shouldn't be tolerated. While I am definitely 100% guilty of typing without thinking, if it were something THIS serious, you can bet that I would take the time to read through whatever I typed at least a few extra times to make sure it was correct. If you were fired from a job I highly doubt you'd appreciate getting a letter in the mail saying "Hey, you're fierd." It just adds insult to injury knowing that whoever did this was so careless about such a serious issue that they let it happen.
When was I banned: 8/17/14
Person who banned me: I have no idea
Reason I was banned:

Server: TeamSpeak
While I haven't ever seen a set list of rules for the Mumble or Teamspeak servers, I'd like to think that this rule didn't suddenly spring into action. I've been changing my nickname for 3 or so years now and I'd like to know why suddenly this is an issue and even it was an issue, does a first time offense really warrant a permanent ban with NO warning? I was in a channel with friends all changing our nicknames, I poked one person while I had the nickname "(ಠ_ಠ)" and I don't think that's horribly "Innappropraite." If the nicknames I had were so terrible I wish somebody had told me at the time rather than banning me in my sleep a day after this was done.
Now I understand that standard protocol dictates that bans are dealt with by those who did the banning. But I wish for this to be dealt with by somebody who takes a permanent ban seriously enough to actually check their spelling when doing so. Somebody with that authority shouldn't be banning somebody on an impulse so instantly that they don't have the time to look at their chat for one second. While it may be a minor spelling mistake, it is a minor spelling mistake on an important message, and that shouldn't be tolerated. While I am definitely 100% guilty of typing without thinking, if it were something THIS serious, you can bet that I would take the time to read through whatever I typed at least a few extra times to make sure it was correct. If you were fired from a job I highly doubt you'd appreciate getting a letter in the mail saying "Hey, you're fierd." It just adds insult to injury knowing that whoever did this was so careless about such a serious issue that they let it happen.