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[Enjin Archive] banned
Started by [E] gotmilk54445

Um... here's an exact quote from zdeath after a pvp incedent.... I was told there was no pvp in spawn, so right outside of the spawn bparder, i would pvp, and i was warned that i would be banned if i continued to do so... while the meantime, others would follow me into spawn to kill me.... understood that pvp in spawn is a rule, i followed, and was still the guy being warned of a ban, while others read the rules and broke them infront of zdeath....LAWL? besides the point, here's a quote from him after I attempted to talk to him personally about it...

"Just talk to me through this, you can grief and have fun all you want, u just have to obey the 2 rules, and so do the people. Dont start fights with them, otherwise, its self defensive and your own fault. Your not banned but someone named sac was when i told him to stop more then i told you and the other person"

Um... just saying, zdeath probably got the OP position because it was needing to be filled and someone out there felt he could be trusted.. My personal opinion, zdeath might not be the best candidate for the job. Understood that is it just a temp server, but none the less, it is still an experience for minetown members, one that will hardly be forgotten. I'm not here to complain, and I know temp server has it's ups n downs concidering, but the truth of the matter is, zdeath had his opertunity to shine, and miserably failed.... JUST SAYING..
lawl sub, that becasue i was getting overrun by requests and the only op on. You can come on now casue there are only 2 rules. Dont ask for creative or op, and listen to op's (which is me only again) Please stop complaing about one mistake i made. Sorry im not perfect like you apperntly. And talk to me personally, since when!??!? all you did was complain, freak out when i got busy, and left. If you talk to almost anyone else on the temp server im a great op, your just one of the people who raged when i couldnt get to you first, cause i was helping other people. And besides its a temp map, suck it up and stop being a baby
Subspec i don't think any admin will take your advice into consideration due to the fact that you have only been on this server for about a month. And zdeath is only human. we all make mistakes. So calm your tits its just a temp server.
Sub, bro be quiet zdeath is a rlly good op........
LAWL... dude i never asked you to do shit for me.... I think it's funny how you get a stick in your ass offended cause i have an opinion about you... perfect? no one asked you to be perfect, but honestly, you crack under pressure... look how worked up you get when one person comments on your actions. It doesn't matter if my opnion is taken into concideration, the bottom line is, you proved my point by raging out on a forum post. I'm not the one in question, you are..... people with power on this server are looked up to as role models, as they should be. I'm not the one that needs to set an example, you are... so maybe you should stop worring about what i say and do, and take some time out to think about your own actions and words. I mean, come on, do you or do you not admit to writing the qoute? And the next day you ban someone for what you just said that I can do? I'm just a member dude, on a private server, and can be banned any time for any reason by anyone with power. So what? Your someone that has an opportunity to become a mod on this server, but when put on the spot, you dwindle. Like I said man, JUST SAYING...

It's not my fault I have the balls to express my opinion.
If i were to twindle then why arent you an op? Why dont you have a reprehensibility? I dont care what you have to say but when you start to cry about and complain about me being op, then Im going to say something back. My actions have made it so people arent complaing about the temp server. I know i wrote it but tell me, when you have 10 people at you asking to do something, what do you do ignore them? I messed up once and im not the one is raging, infact, im not the on who started this. I dont care if you are part of this server and frankly now, im glad i did nothing for you. I dont crack under pressure. I follow the rules like everyone else. DO you see those guys complaining about me? Your the only one because i made ONE slip up. If you think I need to look at myself I have already. I'm a pretty damn good op and if i wasnt, why the am i still op then? Why would i have been made op a second time, to just "Fill in". Frankly, im the only one who gives a damn about the temp server and people being happy. and OH, im not power hungry, if i were the temp would much. Sorry I forgot to unjail you, jesus. what do you want from me, an apology? well here it is, im sorry i messed up ok? I'm sorry you do not think im the role model you think i should be, and yes i know im raging now, but seriously. Calm down and look. Am I an op in the real server? Am i even a mod? No i am not. I know i wont get power in your eyes, but its not your eyes who decieds who gets power.
dude.. you're just proving my point by still having something to say about me... it's not about me dude... get it through your thick skull. accept the responsibility of your actions, admit to making a mistake, move on, and do your thing. I'm entitled to my opinion whether you like it or not, and i will still continue to have an opinion whether or not it's about you. I'm done arguing with a boy that just hit puberty, repost what you want, it doesn't matter, all it does it prove my opinion... Like i Said... JUST SAYING
what is the I'm sorry then? thatts not accepting my responsbility? I know what i did was wrong and thats why i said i was sorry. I know your entitled to your opinion. And im 16, if your a 22 year old guy picking on a 16 yr old kid, then you need to get a life.
Zdeath has admitted he ballsed up, but thats because the temp was being treated like a real thing. He's done a good job of trying to keep some order.
I trust the one who has used fully written out paragraphs and punctuation etc... JUST SAYING.