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[Enjin Archive] Perhaps we need to re-think the impact and effects of Applications.
Started by Unknown User

btw chester hows the server doing whats the hold-up?
I am an experienced Minecraft player. I am also an 80% polite person (my sense of humor does sway a bit mature). I donated to Minetown last Thursday. However, I would not have donated to Minetown on day one and thus would currently not be a member without the free application process.

The thing is, if someone is acting like an ass in game, they already paid as much as $20 to act like an ass (MC license). Stupid investment, but they have done it nonetheless. If the only way in is to pay, you're filtering as many, if not more, good players as the bad. On the basis of something that does not reflect maturity in the least.
Perhaps a way to appease everyone is simply to do both. With the official standing on the current minetown map being a secondary map anyway, why not simply make it a "premium" map for those who have donated in the same way guests cant alter the regular map. So only donators of $5+ can get edit rights.

The people willing to donate dont have to deal with the one day people. (less abandoned buildings on the map, griefers, ect)

The one day people will get a good protection enabled map to play on. (the new primary)

The guests will still have guest world to destroy.
I think, maybe just filter the applications better. Don't accept everyone who applies, but just the really good ones.
Gatschet wrote:
I think, maybe just filter the applications better. Don't accept everyone who applies, but just the really good ones.

To hard. What defines a really good one and how do we determine this in the scope of 1-2 days? People aren't going to wait forever to be judged on their qualities. Also, how to find that out? We cant have a mod follow them around to see what they're up to... which wouldnt be much since they'd be in guest world where there are no rules anyway.

You could profile people based on their applications, but that's only so effective.
i enjoy the new increase in newbs, it makes things cheaper to be and more available, it allows people to pvp without waiting hours on end.. i think a better solution would be to remove guest world on 1.8 and make the normal world guest world. Then have a new 1.8 world as the normal world, a sort of trusted player system.
wait, what if your like me, and cant donate, as much as i want to, i just dont have the money to donate to the server, if i could and i would donate, what would happen to us? the non-donaters? still a premium? or what? ive been here long enough to know right from wrong, i keep to my self 95% of the time. my main point is, would us favored players still be able to play the server? im content if the players that haven't been playing for like two weeks or something get kicked off or what ever but not the long term ones. and what zakdank said, i agree with normal world being GW and a 1.8 being the main world, but, would i be able to move my house into that world? would my house be griefed with the plugins disabled in that world? would everyone else's houses be griefed as well? what about the MAJOR buildings, would they be moved as well? the ones that got us famous? it would just be more work for the admins and mods to be moving around all of them buildings

Well I'm not staff or anything, those would be questions to ask if the idea gets the thumbs up by sawine.

$5 isn't much, granted, more than I've donated... But I'm sure you and other non-donator players could be grandfathered into the map.
could be? must be, i dont want my shit to be flattened, nor does any of the other players that have been here long term, but this would get ALOT of players to quit minetown if its gunna be a pay $5 to get in no matter how long youve played, granted, i hate the newbs that are a pain in the ass, but what about all the others? about a quarter or something of our main players have yet to donate would that make us loose rep? bound to be, it would also populate servers such as, legendarycraft our rivals if i believe im correct (were not enemy's though) i can see some of the ups and downs to this idea.

Applications work. People are added and if they don't abide by the rules we have /kick and /ban. What good does closing it off to only people with money do? It would only limit the size of our community not necessarily filter people we don't want. A lot of the people that have donated have been banned. In my opinion whether we use applications or strictly a donation method does not effect the quality of our server.