At /warp churchoftheuc is a cobble church that has seemingly been abandoned for months now. Having recently revisited it, its condition has only deteriorated. I would like to claim it, along with ronvandorp who brought its decay to my attention, and restore and improve it. Now, if I am mistaken and the owner of the church still plays, please step forward. I would be more than happy to help you fix and finish it, or at least protect it to you so it does not get griefed any further. Until then, I'm putting an unclaimed protection over it to keep it safe.

Edit: With reggief's approval, ron has started to make the most obvious fixes (missing floors, windows, etc). If the original owner comes forward, the church is still yours.

Edit: With reggief's approval, ron has started to make the most obvious fixes (missing floors, windows, etc). If the original owner comes forward, the church is still yours.