these posts caused too much drama
Admins are online regularly and do take note of what things need tending. And I'm not sure what you're saying is useless stuff that's being worked on. While you may consider the portals needing re-linking an important thing, other members may consider that less important than the to-do items they'd more like. There will always be, with every server (Minetown or not), more things to do than time to do them and like every other community, we simply work through them the best we can. It is not laziness that the staff are not robots and cannot be working on the servers 24/7. Many are in school, working full-time for themselves, or have family to take care of.
Regarding development, we do not have developers "skid other plugins". We do use public plugins where they meet the needed purposes. However, when there is a need that no up-to-date public plugin is solving, then yes, we'll look into having a custom plugin made. It's a matter of actually caring about player experience enough to look for better solutions instead of taking the fast and cheap route.
Personally, the last several days have involved a lot of time updating plugins, both configuration and development-wise. And I definitely have not be alone in working on projects. I presume you have not noticed the moderation team, events team, and build team?
Please remove foot from mouth.
Regarding development, we do not have developers "skid other plugins". We do use public plugins where they meet the needed purposes. However, when there is a need that no up-to-date public plugin is solving, then yes, we'll look into having a custom plugin made. It's a matter of actually caring about player experience enough to look for better solutions instead of taking the fast and cheap route.
Personally, the last several days have involved a lot of time updating plugins, both configuration and development-wise. And I definitely have not be alone in working on projects. I presume you have not noticed the moderation team, events team, and build team?
Please remove foot from mouth.
Your ass is coming soon?
I'd Like to see that.

Sorry, didn't realize that staff have no life and are supposed to have full dedication to Minetown. Remember that there is more to the world than a Minecraft server. Don't be selfish.
Also, much grammar. Very proofread. Wow.
Also, much grammar. Very proofread. Wow.
Even though I am not an admin, im only a Trial Mod, it seems to be a general idea that so many people hold. I don't think you understand how hard it is to balance real life with Minecraft. It's very difficult, considering alot of us are in many forms of schooling, late high school, college, etc. During this time towards the end of a schooling it is nearly inevitable that many of us will become partially inactive due to the actual responsibilities of life. Even though MT is very important because many people feel passionate about it, real life always takes priority. I hope it does for you too.
im not saying there has to be full dedication to minecraft but noting gets done
@2998720 wrote:
im not saying there has to be full dedication to minecraft but noting gets done
Since you apparently neglected to read this, I'll repost it for you. Take note of the parts that are colored.
@774530 wrote:
Admins are online regularly and do take note of what things need tending. And I'm not sure what you're saying is useless stuff that's being worked on. While you may consider the portals needing re-linking an important thing, other members may consider that less important than the to-do items they'd more like. There will always be, with every server (Minetown or not), more things to do than time to do them and like every other community, we simply work through them the best we can. It is not laziness that the staff are not robots and cannot be working on the servers 24/7. Many are in school, working full-time for themselves, or have family to take care of.
Regarding development, we do not have developers "skid other plugins". We do use public plugins where they meet the needed purposes. However, when there is a need that no up-to-date public plugin is solving, then yes, we'll look into having a custom plugin made. It's a matter of actually caring about player experience enough to look for better solutions instead of taking the fast and cheap route.
Personally, the last several days have involved a lot of time updating plugins, both configuration and development-wise. And I definitely have not be alone in working on projects. I presume you have not noticed the moderation team, events team, and build team?
Please remove foot from mouth.
Regarding development, we do not have developers "skid other plugins". We do use public plugins where they meet the needed purposes. However, when there is a need that no up-to-date public plugin is solving, then yes, we'll look into having a custom plugin made. It's a matter of actually caring about player experience enough to look for better solutions instead of taking the fast and cheap route.
Personally, the last several days have involved a lot of time updating plugins, both configuration and development-wise. And I definitely have not be alone in working on projects. I presume you have not noticed the moderation team, events team, and build team?
Please remove foot from mouth.
@6862653 wrote:
I'd Like to see that. 

. . .