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[E] zdeathclock
[E] zdeathclock
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over 14 years ago
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over 9 years ago
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Hello, My name is zdeath. I have not been on for a while and I decided to hop on and see what the server looked like. I wanted to go to an old piece of property I had and I found that the warp no longer exists. I was wondering if someone could help me find it? I believe the warp name use to be /warp zdeathcastle or something like that. It had a giant floating mycelium farm, floor of sandstone, made of slabs and near some water. I know last time also it was built by a huge city that an old member named HK made. Besides that I have nothing to really go on. If the land got deleted to make room or given away from me being inactive, that is no problem. If not, I would love to find it again. Thank you in advance. From, zdeath * almost forgot to mention that it is on the classic server
over 9 years ago
Hello, Many of you do not know me but I am zdeathclock. I have been a member of this community for quite some time and use to be a lot more active then I am now. I was very lucky to become a staff member and I am glad to see that this server is still growing into a community that is the best I've seen. If you are new to this server and are questioning whether to stay or not, I can't force you to stay but if you do you will not regret it at all. It'll be the best server you will find. I have had some awesome moments on this server that I will not forget. It might be a long time before I hop back on because of college but I hope this community is still around by the time I really come back. Hope to see some familiar faces and meet new people when that time arrives. Goodbye, zdeath
over 10 years ago
checkers, those are some good stats. How long have you been playing for?
over 11 years ago
i play oldscape from time to time. ATM though I am not.
over 11 years ago
who is this jallaf. Is he new here?
over 11 years ago