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[E] thevance11
[E] thevance11
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over 11 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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Username: JonathanV2000 When you were banned: 8/25/13 Person who banned you: Im not sure. Reason you were banned: I threatened to hack the server. Server: Prison Please respond!
over 11 years ago
Wow, I really wrote that wrong. I didn't mean it like that. I meant when I was in a bad mood I didn't care what the consequence was. But once I got banned and had time to think about my actions, I realized that what I did was wrong and in every way unforgivable. I truly am sorry for my actions. And the part about using it to my advantage was, I meant to say that if i died or if something happened I could just get my stuff back by hacking it. That's why I threatened to hack the servers. I got killed and I was in a bad mood and I said that if I didn't get my stuff back that I would just get it back by hacking. That means that I could get my stuff back with an advantage, but it is still wrong to say and do that.
over 11 years ago
Well, to be honest, I guess I said it because I was just in a bad mood. My friend taught me how and I was just using it to my advantage.Of course I wouldn't really do it because I'm not that kind of person. I knew it was wrong when i said it, but I didn't care at the time.Now I care because I banned and I really like the server. If I do get another chance, I wont say or even do that again.
over 11 years ago
Username:JonathanV2000 When you were banned:8/25/13 Person who banned you:I think it might have been Vexxed but Im not really sure Reason you were banned:Threatening to hack servers Server:Prison I would really like a second chance. This is the newest one. The other ones are messed up.
over 11 years ago