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[E] themrtimewarp
[E] themrtimewarp
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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Username: themrtimewarp When you were banned : probably May 21, 2012 Person who banned you: XCoaster Reason you were banned: Griefing/stealing from blackdust's town. Additional info: When I first came to the server, RockRaiderDragon bought a plot for me in blackdust's town, but I soon moved to venzio's town to build up a new house. The ban probably is based on the fact that I took away two blocks of glowstone from the ground, if not, then I don't know what the reason for the ban is. So here's my explanation for this. When I dismantled my house, I did this with an enchanted diamond pickaxe and wanted to extract the cobblestone from the ground that the blackdust told me to put into the holes from which he had removed the blocks of the normal ground of his city. Two things lead to me taking the glowstone: 1. I underestimated the speed of the diamond pickaxe and unintentionally removed the glowstone. 2. I didn't know at that time that you could create new glowstone blocks from glowstone dust. Furthermore I am willing to pay back the glowstone or MTC/gold/diamond equal to the worth of the blocks if my ban appeal is successful and I apologize for my behaviour. I hope I've made clear how everything happened and I hope that we can quickly resolve this issue. Thank you.
over 12 years ago