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[E] thecreator1223456
[E] thecreator1223456
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over 9 years ago
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over 4 years ago
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My friend got banned: His username: Lava_Kid, Person who banned him: ty,Date he got banned:Unknown.All i know is that the next day I asked for him and someone told me he was banned. Reason he got banned: He was hacking and he hacked so he could fly. I am sure he did it for a reason and I think it is my fault because an incident happened between him and my friend. My friend and him and me are best friends, so and accident happened and my friend got mad at him, so he told us he was a bad person and he was only our friend now, not our best friend, so I drowned because I was sad, and then disconnected. When my friend found out he was banned, she disconnected and I haven't seen her ever since. I feel really guilty, even though I am not sure I was the reason he hacked, but I just want him back. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f613.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":undecided:">:undecided:</object> He is a good person. If he got unbanned (which is unlikely) please notify him and then notify me. Thank you and have a great day!!!
over 9 years ago
Please, please, please I beg you with all my heart.
over 9 years ago
Hello everyone, I know this won't work but I will still try it. So this is what happened: My best friend got banned because he was hacking, so I want to do a ban appeal for him. I know he wants to go back to Agharta, so please accept this request.
over 9 years ago
If you want any proof, here it is. Here is the proof. http://minetown.net/forum/m/672632/viewthread/24490512-banned
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago