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[E] thecoolcreeper00
[E] thecoolcreeper00
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over 4 years ago
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over 4 years ago
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ok... i understand that all actions must have consequences and i will wait out the ban.
over 4 years ago
Username: thecoolcreeper00 When you were banned : 2/6/21 Person who banned you: i dont know Reason you were banned: i was xraying... i am very sorry for using xray... i had only just joined the server but i was to impatient to manually mine for netherite because i was getting like 2-3 netherite an hour... so i tried the "easy way" to progress fast but quickly realised it made the game less fun for me and would make it less fun for other people... i am very dumb and kept doing it anyways because i was planning on stoping when i had enough netherite for full netherite armor. i have learned my lesson and am very sorry. you can remove all the ancient debri from my inventory. i want to play with my friends so maybe can you shorten the ban to maybe one day or two days. i am super sorry and will never use xray again. if you catch me using xray again you can wipe my inventory and ban me for as long as you want. i understand if you do not unban me because i deserve some punishment but please consider it.
over 4 years ago