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[E] supercj1
[E] supercj1
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over 12 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
over 12 years ago
Im part owner of boston (boston_territ_main), and MC Town has been active for quite some time now but i have not been able to make any claim to districts and plots, it just doesnt work for me. I found out that the only person that can do such thing is the main territory owner Grapefruit998. Well, the problem lies in the fact that i am on for more time than he is and that im activily partaking in building the town from thew ground up, which i have done so. I have built more than 75% if the town inlcuding a superstructure, a lava furnace, and 4 buildings as well as the town hall and all roads in the town, all done single handidly by me. now im not trying to take his town from him and that he remain in the owner list, but because of the circumstanses i believe that I should have the permissions to add and remove districts and plots because of me being more active than he is. The town is still very small at the moment, but im sure with these perms that i can finally add the plots that people have staken a claim too already. Also, I believe that Johninatoooor might agree with me on this in terms of "who built most of the town". To expand this town, i believe that this is nessissary.
over 12 years ago