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[E] skully13
[E] skully13
Enjin Archive
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over 14 years ago
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over 14 years ago
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i was playing before the whitelist and would like to be added to it so i can continue palying thanks for your time admins
over 14 years ago
when ever the sever is back up tell me what you need and i will get to it but his waiting is killing me
over 14 years ago
me and aryios have the resoures to start a wall and we could easyly get alot more when needed but we would not be able to make this wall with just 2 people. this would take the help of all of us.
over 14 years ago
Hello you have arlready talked to my one friend Aryios about joining you and that we have our mine in your base so i would like to tell you that we have all decide that we would like to join the faction. for ideas about the capital there is a very good location on the north east side of the island near the water and if you ever need i can devote at least 2 hours everyday or more and i could help build or dig whatever you need plus in our mine we have lots a resourses. hopefully the sever will be back on soon so we can get to work i hope talk you soon man.
over 14 years ago