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Age: 14 Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): GMT 0 Hours per weekdays and weekends do you play on Minetown Prison (Average): weekdays 20-25 weekends 16 ;D How long have you been in MineTown: may 2011 2 Year vet :DD Have you ever been banned before? Why?: nope Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: I have been a mod on a friends server Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft Prison administration?: yes. Was T-Guard How are your PvP Skills?: I would like to think im a pretty good pvp'er since i have played a lot of MC. Explain the concept of a Minecraft Prison Server: A Mine-Craft prison server is a place for bad guys to become big guys. A hierarchy system is used to separate the poor and the rich. as a player climbs ranks they would like to achieve freedom but freedom comes from mining digging and chopping resources and selling. Have you spoken much on Minetown Mumble?: I have it but i am not a fond user Do you have Skype?: I do Why do you think you will make a good Officer/Sergeant on the Prison? I'd like to be a Officer/Sergeant because i would like to have a challenge and i feel like i could help. I think i would be a great for this position as i enjoy keeping the peace and i love these sort of servers. i would enforce all the rules, and make sure that the prison server will be a happy and fun. I would spend lots of time on this server as it is extremely addictive. I have been a previous member of the team so i know the rules which i need to abide by and follow. Additional information you would like to tell us?: No
over 11 years ago
Minecraft Username IGN (In-Game): Savage1106 Why do you want to be a Temporary Trial Guard?: I'd like to be a Temporary Trial Guard because i would like to have a challenge and i feel like i could help. I think i would be a great for this position as i enjoy keeping the peace and i love these sort of servers. i would enforce all the rules, and make sure that the prison server will be a happy and fun. I would spend lots of time on this server as it is extremely addictive. Iv dropped my soap far too often ( i dont drop it on purpose ;D *wink wink*) I accept I will follow all staff rules and guidelines which have been set out for me: Yes I agree to follow all expectations. I will take full responsibility for a TGuard position and i accept all the staff rules and guidelines.
over 11 years ago
Here is my skin ideas <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
over 12 years ago