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[E] robertz93
[E] robertz93
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over 14 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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yeah, use tardis2
over 13 years ago
my warp suffocates ppl apparently, so can you set the warp just above the previous warp for me please? just rename it tardis2 if you cant delete the previous warp, thanks for any help
over 13 years ago
Looking for a couple of people to be companions, im creating a faction with no name, and i am basing myself and my actions on what the doctor does - loosely. I'm willing to help anyone for free if i have the time Obligatory backstory - A time lord lands in minetown after hearing distress signals coming from a helghan colonial ship. Upon finding the ship he realises nothings wrong and engages in conversation with the leader who lets him have an area of land in the new helghan city, The timelord decides to leave, yet the tardis refuses to work, and in the meantime, sets out to help the people of this world done
over 13 years ago
For all one of you who care, im disbanding my faction, im keeping the property owned for personal use, but i will now be freelance, anyone that needs construction help can have it off me for free, you can find me at /warp tardis most of the time if you need my help
over 13 years ago
Theres a random castle near my town, i was just wondering if i could claim it? It looks like it hasnt been inhabited for a while now To be honest, i wouldnt call it a castle so much as a wall as the only item found here is a signpost saying it belongs to the rebels Attached is a screenshot of the castle
over 13 years ago