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[E] piers_n
[E] piers_n
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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Listen, I understand that the log says that no one took them, but they are not there, and I did not move them. I don't know if it is a glitch, or if someone hacked, or what, but they are still gone.
over 12 years ago
Thanks for the "Wasting our time" comment, very heartwarming. The pe is unresolved. I don't care what the log says, I am missing around 70 diamond blocks. Yes, I could've checked why it was closed, but I do not remember the pe number.
over 12 years ago
I am missing around 70 diamond blocks from my home. I made a pe, but it was just dismissed without resolving the problem. I am making this post because I am in Newfoundland, and the service is not so good so it is hard to be online. Please help, thanks.
over 12 years ago
Username:Piers_n Date Banned:February 15, 2012 Person banned by: Irethena Reason banned: For being a jerk/ arguementative I don't really expect to be unbanned, but as I was banned I noticed that this is literally and quite easily the best server. I hope that I will be unbanned and I will definately change my attitude towards all of the people of the server. I will strive to comply with all of the rules.
over 13 years ago
Username: Piers_n Date banned: February 15 Person banned by: Not sure Reason banned: For being an asshole/ bad language. Look, I know I said mean things that I shouldn't have. I'm not saying that I shouldn't have been banned. I'm just really, really hoping that I will be unbanned. My girlfriend had just broken up with me and said some really hurtful things, so instead of getting mad at her, I took it out on random people. I know that I shouldn't have, and I wish that I hadn't. If I'm unbanned, I'll really try and help the server be a better place. I'll be nicer, I'll be generous, I'll even give away all my diamonds in a drop if I have to. Please, please unban me.
over 13 years ago