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[E] paridot66
[E] paridot66
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over 8 years ago
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over 8 years ago
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Hi its Geodashmaster - my brother and I have the same IP because we are on the same router - he was banned for using inappropriate mods - however you banned me too because you blocked the IP - can you please let me back in - also he wasnt aware that he couldnt use that - he is SpiderHunter66...he is my brother we are on the same IP..... we love your server and hope to come back on if you will let us - thank you From, Geodashmaster
over 8 years ago
Hi its Geodashmaster, Im not spiderhunter66. im his brother so that's why we have the same ip I didn't hack....btw plz unban SpiderHunter And DiPPz we love your server its great
over 8 years ago