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[E] parakeek
[E] parakeek
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over 11 years ago
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over 3 years ago
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Username: parakeek When you were banned : (Date) 7/19/20 Person who banned you: I don't know. Reason you were banned: (This is a TS Ban Appeal) My brother (_sic_) was harassing and I guess whoever banned him, IP banned him. I had nothing to do with this. I would like to get unbanned from TS. PS-I will be going on vacation starting today, and will not be back till Thursday. No rush to reply to this Thanks for you're time-parakeek
over 9 years ago
I agree. I hope they wont drop the project. I got 300k and for what? peace or mind? No. I got it for freedom.You wont imagine all thoes hours and creepy pastas gone to waist. I bet there is no refund on time
over 10 years ago
Guys it's not only why freedom has been has been delayed so much is why the prison is dead. It was also staff and the way they were told to do their jobs . Also the way prison was set up. What im about to type some may disagree with. There was a few flaws in the way were told to do their job and flaws in the prison it's self. 1.) If a player killed a player with a tool (Not a weapon) they were basically dragged from the safe zones and killed. If you resisted it meant you were put in a jail cell. Why did they have to be killed? why cant they treat that tool like a sword and ask for it? Why are you asked to come out, and killed? 2.) Guards had OP armor./Freedom was not out. When you reach block and you have obtained 300k for freedom what do you do after that? Nothing. Soo many of us "A blockers" including myself just pvped all day. And just from that soo many loyal minetown players got banned. Also the guards had OP Armor. It was too powerful and a guard could easily take on a group of 3. That was no fun for us. It was no match. You were guaranteed to die or have your weapon taken away. A lower level guard in iron could take your weapons in a safe zone. This pissed many A blockers off because they were fighting and because they cant pvp good they took your swords. Lastly for #2 there were usually never guards in blocks & B . Pvp was still allowed. 3.)---They took out XP---- This was a really bad move. When this happened the amount of prison players declined quickly. They even keeped telling us People who are free can smuggle enchanted things into the prison.(What Free?) and once again we waited. This pissed many Higher blockers. They needed enchanted tools to survive. 4.) When a player was killed it's announced in chat (so&so killed so&so via derp) and if a guard was on duty and did not see this they could not do anything about it. Same with scamming. Scamming was allowed. This drove away many new people and when the new people were gone, the higher blockers left. I do still have hope in the prison but I know if freedom comes out, past A blockers wont be lineing up to get freedom. Many are banned or lost hope.
over 10 years ago
Minecraft Ingame Name: Parakeek Age: 13 Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Central. Hours per weekdays and weekends do you play on Minetown Prison (Average): About 25. How long have you been in MineTown and the Prison: My best bet is 5 mount's Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No. Other Information Explain the concept of a Minecraft Prison Server: The concept of a prison server is to mine, & cut wood to gain money. most people tend to interact with others in a good way or bad. Also someone get's to get to blocks with the money. How are your PvP (Player versus Player) Skills?: My pvp skills and good now that I have a mouse. But I am super good with a bow. Have you spoken much on Minetown Teamspeak?: No but I do have TS. Do you have Skype?: Yes. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft Administration or Prison Administration?: No but that is a reason I would like to apply Why is it essential for Guards to control their emotions? It is essential to control emotions so we do not brake staff rules & lose our jobs, at the same time make sure that the staff are fair kind people. What makes you stand out above other users applying? I feel I would make good staff because in my 2nd nature im nice to people but its only when people make me mad I get a little crazy. But as staff I have nothing to lose. What do you think you need to improve on? List your weaknesses here: Pvp, Emotions, typing faster.... Also not dropping the soap. Prison staff contribute a lot of time and effort into working as a team. Why do you think that teamwork is essential for staff in an environment like MT Prison?:​Teamwork is essential because its all who contribute in an effort is what makes something successful. For example: If there were no female honey bees in the hive there are no protectors nor producers. Why do you think you will make a good Officer/Sergeant on the Prison? Explain: I am most of the time mature as I get older also I can dedicate time if necessary. Questionnaire 1) If a group of players were actively PVPing and you were the only guard online, what steps would you take? If all where pvping I would attempt to kill them all. 2) You see a death messages appear in chat of players killing other players, what do you do? I would mute them. 3) A player is running around intoxicated on drugs, what do you do? I would jail them 4) How often should you patrol the PVP areas? I would patrol pvp areas if there are less than 3 staff on duty 5) When can you ask for a player to be searched so contrabands are removed? If someone get jailed over pvp three times staff may search for contraband. 6) What do you think is the most important rule to know about staff having staff kits? Never keep staff gear. 7) If you kill players and they drop items, can you keep or give away the items? You can do both. But you cannot give contraband. Or keep contraband <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f60e.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby="8)">8)</object> Can staff be involved with bounties? What do you know about staff and bounties? Staff may be involved in bounties. they can set or accept bounties 9) What can you do if you have a player getting in your way when you are getting contrabands from other players? I may kill the stealer 10) What should you do if you see a player selling drugs (sugar and cactus green) in chat? I would give warnings. Then mute.
over 11 years ago
Official Application wrote: Minecraft Ingame Name: parakeek Age:12 Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): central Hours per weekdays and weekends do you play on Minetown Prison (Average): around 15-20 hours . How long have you been in MineTown:iv been with minetown two weeks before the prison opened. Have you ever been banned before? Why?:no I have never been banned. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?:no Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft Prison administration?:no How are your PvP Skills?:my pvp skills are between good and great for a pad. Explain the concept of a Minecraft Prison Server: The concept of a minecraft prison server is to have fun by mining wood and cobble as you start off then soulsand,dirt,clay.sand,mossystone and etc. you must also get across the danger's of the PVP area but you are a prisoner at this amazing server Have you spoken much on Minetown Mumble?:I only downloaded mumble today but if I get chosen at a tguard I will try my hardest to figure out how it works. Do you have Skype?:yes Why do you think you will make a good Officer/Sergeant on the Prison? Explain:i think I will make a good Officer/Sergeant because I always catch people pvp but there are no guards nearby and I just run if im chosen I will make sure that wont happen again plus it is a new experience for me sometimes I get board Additional information you would like to tell us?:yes... don't drop the soap <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
over 11 years ago