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Download link not working 2/19/2017
over 8 years ago
Info on skyblock is vague at best. I did not even know challenges were repeatable until reading about it on another minecraft site. Discovery is part of the challenge I agree but facts being available somewhere is nice. I did not know previously, but now from reading your post that you do not have to complete all of the challenges to WIN that is to say get the title of skylord. I did hope to catch some attention to the plight of those attempting to skyblock mainly via the challenges with a minimum of shopping, begging for freebies, etc. Thanks for the info, looking forward to the new balanced challenges. Maybe I will pick it up again, maybe my will is just broken...
over 11 years ago
The change to full gold bars instead of nuggets for golden apples is such an insane imbalance to skyblock that all previous skylords should lose the title as what they did is mere child's play to what is required under the new rule. Which btw I can find no mention of in print anywhere, only via in game chat, then testing. There is only 1 repeatable challenge that gives gold bars: pearlcollector There is only 1 repeatable challenge that gives emeralds: topchef pearlcollector reguires 15 enderpearls to get 1 gold bar. 8 gold bars to make 1 golden apple. 120 ender pearls for 1 golden apple. Most players will need to collect about 30 emeralds to get the 50 for emeraldcollector. That is 3600 ender pearls. At ~33% drop rate for pearls that is 10800 endermen that must be killed. On a average day of play I see 1-6 endermen. That is a grind of close to 10 IRL years! TEN REAL YEARS! The grind when it was nuggets was far less than trivial this is just plain, well skyblock ending. It is just not worth it.
over 11 years ago
Thanks! The island is coming along. I used tabs in notepad and lost all the format when pasting. I will redo with hard spacing and more of it. And a KEY to the short names. Version 2 coming soon!
over 11 years ago
I use this to remind me of what challenges give what reward, mainly the repeatable challenges. I also put a little note on the "value" of the challenge as a repeat. A few near the end are the first time reward as I have not completed them yet to see the repeat reward. Some of the TAKES info is cryptic sorry, it is only a cheat sheet not the skyblock bible. At least now I am not spamming /c over and over. GOOD LUCK! MINETOWN SKYBLOCK CHALLENGES EASY TAKES GIVES REPEATABLE VALUE cobble 64 cobble $10 Y applecollector 10 apples $10 Y GOOD duneatthat 64 flesh 2 bones, $10 Y carrots 64 carrots 2 dirt, $10 Y potatoes 64 baked tots 2 sand, $10 Y partayy level 20 /invite cmd N wheatfarmer 64 wheat 1 dirt, $10 Y cactusfarmer 64 cacti 1 sand Y POOR sugarfarmer 64 sugar 2 clay, $5 Y melonfarmer 128 slices 2 dirt, $10 Y pumpkinfarmer 64 pumpkins 2 dirt, $5 Y POOR novicebuilder level 20 N moo 96 wheat,bucket 1 cow egg N gold 32 Y,32 O wool gold name lightgreen 64 lime wool lightgreen name greyblue 16 B, 48 BLUE gray-blue name white 64 white wool white name MEDIUM TAKES GIVES REPEATABLE VALUE shroompicker 64 R, 64 B mush 1 mycelium Y POOR expertfarmer 64 w,s,m,c,p,p 1 cocoa, 16 red Y POOR fisherman 10 cooked fish 2 red, 1 ink, 1 iron Y AWESOME! lumberjack 16 each wood 2 red, 1 iron cookielover 128 CO, 1 milk 2 red, 1 iron Y POOR adeptbuilder level 100 N bonepicker 128 bones $20 VERY POOR morebeef 192 wheat, 9 M 1 cow egg, $20 Y homeowner N lightred 48 Red, 16 Wool lightred name yellow 64 yellow wool yellow name green 64 green wool green name cyan 64 cyan wool cyan name pink 64 pink wool pink name lightgray 64 lightgray light-gray name giddyup c stik, saddle 1 pig egg, $35 ohhshiny 64c 32b 16o 16s 6 Nquartz, $20 Y HARD TAKES GIVES REPEATABLE VALUE baa 9 shear, 1 bed 1 sheep, $35 Y boomtime 128 gunpowder $20 Y netherportal netherportal N lightblue 64 lightblue lightblue name blue 64 blue blue name magenta 64 magenta magenta name battleready armor, sword 2 iron, $20 Y darkgray 64 gray wool gray name pearlcollector 15 enderpearls 1 G, 1 rod, $15 Y slimefarmer 40 slimeballs 8 red dust, $15 Y GOOD baker 5 cake, 5 p-pie 1 iron, $20 Y explorer 1M 1C1CLK 1Jun 1 ocelot, $50 Y pumpkinpie 32 pies $15 Y POOR chickenortheegg 144 eggs $35 Y oink 8A32E16P16c32F 1 pig egg, $35 Y HARD expertbuilder level 250 1D 20dirt20sand N MASTER TAKES GIVES REPEATABLE VALUE woolcollector 5ea color wool 2D 5EM, 3CDs Y brewtime 10 awkward 1mag 3bott,$25 Y maestro 1 juke, all CD 3D 10EM, $80 Y emeraldcollector50 EM 2D, $200 Y topchef 1 ea cooked 1G 1moo egg 1EM Y skylord level 1000 1D TITLE $250 N WIN!?!
over 11 years ago