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[E] maxxxafterhours
[E] maxxxafterhours
Enjin Archive
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over 14 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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Hey, don't worry about the rollback you and everyone else is doing a great job with the server and forum. Me and Sicknos spent most of those 12 hours gathering equipment and building our houses. We lost everything but its okay we can start over. The items lost : 37 gold bars 18 diamond 11 stacks of smooth stone 8 stacks of glass 5 stacks coal 3 stacks torches 4 stacks sand 1.5 stacks iron 12 stacks of cubble stone 13 stacks dirt 5 stacks logs 7 stacks wood planks 47 red stone 16 lapis lazuli 25 bookshelves 5 stacks of slabs (half smooth stone)
over 14 years ago