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[E] khan11
[E] khan11
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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Username: kahn11 When you were banned : 4/03/12 Person who banned you: Don't know how banned me. Reason you were banned: I don't know the reason my son who is 11 was banned. He and I are new to Minecraft multiplayer. I (his dad) really didn't know what the rules were for online play. Now that I have had a chance to look at it, I will discuss the rules with him, so that he understands what he needs to do. One thing I know for sure is he built a house and a few days ago and then around 03/30/12 someone was teleporting from room to room and taking his stuff. There was another player in the house with him and the two of them were trying to watch the guy who was jumping from room to room. I will be interested to know what he did to get banned, I have never played the game myself so, this is all I know, except he has really enjoyed playing the game. Thanks.
over 13 years ago