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[E] joemaster
[E] joemaster
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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Awesome! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> minecraftnow.us <<
over 12 years ago
haha nice one palonti and i haven't been kicked while I have spent an hour it says I have eternity left in jail when I log in
over 13 years ago
In jail in a room made of wood and glowstone and the only command i can use is /jail which i dont know how it works :/
over 13 years ago
Hi there I was given a jail sentence of one hour and I wonder whether a MOD has to release me or is it on a timer because I'm fairly sure I have served my sentence. Please could someone clarify what I should do. Thanks. -joemaster
over 13 years ago