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[E] jbondhus
[E] jbondhus
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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1. Minecraft IGN: jbondhus 2. Forum username: jbondhus 3. Age: 17 4. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): CST 5. Hours per week you play(average) and how long have you been in MineTown: 10.5 hours a week and I've been in it for roughly 2 months. 6. Friends in Minetown: JustinLifecaster, hyenaofleisure, fezz99, Oozbutch 7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No, and I don't intend to be banned ever. 8. Do you have any experience with Minecraft administration?: I run my own minecraft server at jbondhus.com with a bukkit/mysql backend. The plugins I have are as follows: Herochat Essentials BigBrother iConomy MyWarp uHome PermissionsBukkit Signlift TimeShift 9. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Yes, I can use Mumble. 10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator? Explain.: I'm the kind of minetown community member that likes to contribute in any way I can. I've contributed both supplies and time into building the Ibizian Empire, and am the co-owner of both Faar, and Black Water. I think that I'm a very reasonable person, I always obey the rules and the law. I am also a very technical minded person who is experienced with running a server, including web servers, file servers, and minecraft servers, and am experienced with the linux command line. I have experience with many of the plugins that Minetown uses, including MyWarps, PermissionsBukkit, Herochat, and iConomy. 11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: Even if it means sacrificing my own time and personal gains, I just can't stand just watching people not be helped. I once took a class in 3D Mechanical Drafting and I ended up spending half my time helping out the people next to me. I could have been the person that ended up being far in front of everyone else, but I spent so much time helping out the other people that I always was either, a little behind on my own work, or just on time. I never was the person who handed in their project first because of that.
over 13 years ago