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Damn, misread the title. Read my spoiler anyway I'd like to add one I found interesting - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic It has the RPG elements of selecting your next move - BUT - it happens in real time. IE, as long as you are doing something the enemy/computer is free to do something too (though you can take all the time you want "selecting" your next action). You could also still move freely while all of this goes on. I found it to be a very nice balance of the typical RPG elements without being such a time-whore. Really wish there were more mainstream games with SW:KOTOR battles.
over 11 years ago
> Won't pay 100 dollars > Worked on this for 14 hours > US minimum wage is 7.25 > 14 x 7.25 = 101.50 You have effectively worked for less than minimum wage, FYI. Once you hit 28 hours you will have worked for half of minimum wage - OR - you can think of it as you finally bought the retail disk but for Double the Cost ($200) !
over 11 years ago
Just bought that desk, they mixed the boxes and so now I have two-toned tops. I was having a hard time deciding between which finish to buy so I guess it worked out in the end. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":thumb:">:thumb:</object>
over 11 years ago
There are some missing assets to the website that are hosted on the game server too, so you might be correct that the server is down or perhaps unreachable to those previously not connect.
over 11 years ago
In January I had the opportunity to bring a lot of friends to Minetown but ultimately decided against it. Now that there is an open feedback thread I'll post my reasons, perhaps they be helpful. The number one reason I could not bring a bunch of friends from other servers over was because of the block revision & FTB uncertainty. Even with just 10-11 players online I was getting blocks reverting. From my time as moderator and answering petitions, I knew that at least two of the 10-11 players online at that time had massive mob traps -maybe that was the issue, maybe it wasn't. Though we do know from the highly respected and knowledgeable Spigot contributor mikeprimm that mobs interacting with mobs creates exponential CPU usage... Also, Mob Traps on a server that spawns diamonds for you to purchase with voting credits? Is it that hard to fight monsters like a man in an open field!! No matter what the cause, I couldn't just have my friends and players exodus to a server that had unstable game-play at 10-11 players. Similar with FTB, it was questionable what level of support FTB would be getting from the MT staff. My friends and myself personally enjoy two game types 1) As close to vanilla and difficult as possible (no /homes, no /spawn, no babies allowed) and 2) Heavily modded like FTB where things you never imagined are now doable. Everything in between is ho-hum to me. So with that I decided to just run FTB myself with some trusted players because I could actually say there was a 2:1 ratio of people who can actually create protections and other misc tasks that I remembered waiting days for on MT Tekkit (5 days for a region protection... and I was MT Main Staff!). I definitely made the right choice hosting FTB myself based on the threads I see here, and I often have 2x the beastie's online. So to recap why I didn't play here with a bunch of people was because 1) Lag with 10-11 players, 2) Unknown SLA for FTB. Things that were NOT a reason I didn't bring people to play - Spawn (They will be at my /home within 1 second of joining and never see spawn again) - Economy ( The game was designed without an economy, and can function without one) ############### End of the Top Thinger ############### That's that, and here is my two cents on a spawn redesign (why?) and other ideas being suggested for a Minetown Revamp. Spawn - I personally never cared what a spawn looked like in judging a server. I may be the minority on that one, but I am also a Minecraft player of 2+ years so I still fit the target demographi. It isn't necessarily representative of the game-play experiences - especially if it was created in creative while the server is survival. I'm not quite sure that people who leave Minetown because they don't care for spawn are players that would have added anything of value to the server anyway... unless what we value are people idling at spawn and not playing. If you do redesign the spawn,highlight what Minetown has to offer, not what a select few can do in creative gamemode. However if you are only changing it to appease the planet Minecraft kids who have a short attention span, don't expect them to stick around long as their attention (that you knowingly catered to) has now shifted to another server. Economy - Never cared, I just mine and I craft and that is that. I'm not an economist, nor do I believe the real world is minecraft so I'm not gonna comment on that. However, I have seen staff ask for input before on MTC value. A suggestion I have is if you ever need a way to get people to vote without causing inflation (if you care), is to rewarding voting with permission nodes. Want to warp today? Want to go /home? Vote daily. Remove the nodes every 24 hours. Just a thought to a problem that some have, but I personally didn't. Multiple Servers - While it is nice to have all things under one umbrella, does Minetown have the resources to support that many offerings? I worry that trying to support many things in a mediocre way just ends up with people leaving to a server that specializes in just one thing - similar to how I had to start my own FTB server because the MT one seemed to be an afterthought. tl;dr In my opinion, I don't think we need 1,000 bells and whistles to retain players; we need a positive return on investment. How will I be rewarded for playing on Minetown, vs another server? The problem is not everyone seeks the same reward. Some want to build, some want to just have a high MTC count, some want to have no worldly possessions or MTC, but instead just win PVP. Some just want to watch the world burn.. but they are called griefers and we don't want them to stay anyway <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
over 12 years ago