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[E] iiReXxy
[E] iiReXxy
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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i dont care mane, i want my cobble lol
over 13 years ago
the name might change* The base of the faction would be at my castle, "warp rexxycastle". we would be a pretty awesome faction, alot of killing involved. we would all share chests and items. if you wanna know more or join ask iirexxy, thank you
over 13 years ago
last week lost ALOT of cobble in the rollback in my shop, i was just taking cobble out of the shop chest, the server shut down "the rollback" and when i got back on the chest said "nothing to withdraw" when i know for a fact i had had 10000 cobble in that chest, and this last rollback i lost 2 stacks of cobble and 4 gold. can i please get a refund?
over 13 years ago
i should not be banned for this in the first place, mastaC banned me befor he even knew what had happened. he was mad because he thought i was stealing his stuff so he raged and banned me befor even knowing the pretences. i didnt know i was stealing, i had no clue. i am a very good member of minetown. i have been here for about a month and a hakf and have done nothing wrong, execept for this misunderstanding. mastaC, i understand why u banned me, it makes since. but now that u know the pretences, and you know that it wasnt on purpose, can i be unbanned. again, im sorry for taking items out of what i thought was jaysfans chests, and turned out to be yours. (in all honesty, why the hell am i the one in trouble, jaysfan is the one who got INTO your chest room and then tp'd me in)
over 13 years ago
thanks for backing me up guys
over 13 years ago