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[E] hiimapig
[E] hiimapig
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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If you check the text log i asked "How long am i stuck in jail?"
over 13 years ago
We resolved the one that happened TODAY earlier. When he gets on ask him. I told him it wont happen again or he would ban me. He also but me in jail so i would learn my lesson. So ask him as soon as he gets on.
over 13 years ago
you can even ask Nickuru he said it was ok.
over 13 years ago
Username:hiimapig When you were banned : 4/1/12 Person who banned you:Nickuru Reason you were banned: I was banned because my little sister got on my account and started to delete the walkway that nickuru and philpo owned. Nickuru told me not to do it again and said i was sorry. i want to know why i was banned even though nickuru told me that if it happened again only then would i get banned. i wasnt even on. how could this have happened?
over 13 years ago