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[E] hammbone
[E] hammbone
Enjin Archive
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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this was all stuff i got and donated to the town the town banned me for no reason and i got my stuff back was that really wrong bacause i think it was my stuff and the right thing to do. I got the diamonds and lapis from mineing and gold from killing. This is a proven fact because at least i know and electric knows. Electric absolutly hates me and banned me when i was co owner for no reason at all???? i was so conbfused i wrote a sighn and i dont know what he replyed the only thing i did was to my office and i added more gold blocks to it and he banned me so what my reaction was was to get the stuff that was mine back and leave the town forever i soon joined tech city and the next moringing i was banned!!!!
over 13 years ago
i was banned for absolutly no reason idk what i did or why i was banned if there was a reason please tell me or at least let me come back! i love the server and its events i dont think i did anything wrong???
over 13 years ago